3 Drinks With Several Health Benefits And Will Help You Lose Weight

When you are trying to lose a bit of extra weight, there are many efforts that can help that will not jeopardize your health. Fad diets, extreme ingredient elimination, and unrealistic cleanses are not sustainable, and while you may lose a few kilos at first, it will be difficult to maintain this approach, and possibly lead to rapid weight gain once you start consuming ‘normally’ again. They are also not always the most holistic or beneficial for your health either. One of the ways you can support your effort in trying to shed some weight is to drink health-supporting drinks that also help to encourage your metabolism, and thus speed up the rate at which your body uses calories. This discussion is going to look at some of the many drinks with health benefits that have the added bonus of helping you to lose weight if this is your goal.

Get Your Greens

When people look at their overall diet, often they will see that they are not consuming enough greens in the form of phytonutrients (found in fruits and vegetables). What’s more, is that you usually need to consume large quantities of these foods to ensure you are getting the recommended amount. That is why the green powder market has seen a major uptick. You can now add a scoop or two of the most nutrient-dense organic veggies and fruit that have already been juiced and powderized for you and drink it in a glass of water or add it to your morning smoothie. By increasing your nutrient consumption, you will aid your gut and thus help with more efficient energy consumption and possible weight loss. Some people chose to use this drink as a meal replacement, so see what works for you. When it comes to weight loss, you don’t want to have a blood sugar drop and feel hungry and then turn to unhealthy options. 

Coffee Fix

If you, like 1.4 billion people in the global population, start your day with a cup of joe, then you won’t need further convincing. But maybe you aren’t aware of the many health benefits of coffee and its association with healthy weight loss. That said, like anything, coffee should be consumed in moderation, and with the awareness that it is a stimulant and thus might not agree with everyone, nor should it be drunk a few hours before trying to sleep. Coffee contains antioxidants, which are good at minimizing the body’s baddies (AKA free radicals), and oxidative stress. In terms of weight loss, coffee is a metabolism-booster so this means you will burn more energy in rest and exercise, which will help you if you need to lose some weight. An important disclaimer to add is that we are discussing coffee without all the additives like sugar, syrups, creams, and flavored powders. 

This refers to pure black coffee. Your taste preference will influence how you choose to consume your coffee, but bear in mind what you add to it might not be beneficial for health and weight goals.


Hydration Station

Good old-fashioned H2O is another massively underrated drink that you should be consuming plenty of every day. Water flushes out your kidneys which is important for filtering out the good and bad stuff in your blood. Water also helps with digestion, circulation, absorption of nutrients, and maintaining homeostasis all of which are needed for a balanced and well-functioning body system. When this takes place, you will be able to use the toilet regularly ensuring you do not hold onto excess waste and fluids. The old adage of 8-glasses a day is actually more of an old wives tale, as each person requires a different amount of water each day for healthy functioning, depending on their weight, height, and other factors. 

That said, many people do not consume enough water each day and need to take more conscious steps to increase consumption. Tips like adding lime, mint, or cucumber to your water to make it more interesting-tasting work for some people. Otherwise having a large water bottle that you need to have finished by a certain time of the day. Even setting an alarm or reminder to drink water. 

There are plenty of healthy fluids that you might already be consuming, or you could easily incorporate into your daily regime. These above-mentioned drinks are helpful for your overall body health and help to maintain a balanced system, which in turn can affect weight loss if you are carrying extra fat stores. Hopefully, you have found this discussion insightful and it has provided some simple ways you can increase and/or healthily expand your liquid consumption.