3 Creative Ways to Save for a Downpayment

In 2019 alone, over 5 million existing homes were sold in the United States. No matter what the housing market looks like in any given year, people will always be interested in buying their dream houses. 

Unfortunately, that dream house you’ve been looking at for a while might require a hefty downpayment. 

Now, thanks to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the outlook on home buying has changed even more. But, if you’re willing to make a few changes to your everyday life and adjust your budget, you can easily start to save up for a downpayment on a home you truly want. 

It doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might think. With that in mind, let’s look at three creative (and easy) ways you can save for a downpayment just by making small adjustments.


1. Start a Downpayment Fund

Whether it’s a glass jar near your front door or a separate bank account, one of the best ways to start saving money for a home is to have an actual place where that money can go. Every time you have a little extra cash on hand put it in the downpayment fund. Even a few dollars here and there can add up quickly. 

2. Trim Your Budget

If you already have a monthly budget in place, look at different areas where you might be able to cut back. For example, if you tend to buy high-end cosmetics and beauty supplies, switch to Wholesale Health and Beauty Care for a few months. 

If you can live without an expensive cable package, go down to a cheaper plan. Don’t go out to eat as often. Make your coffee at home. Cancel your gym membership and work out from home. These are easy ways to cut back and use that money toward your downpayment. If you’re stumped on other ways you can cut back, get the whole family involved! Talk to them about what they’re willing to “give up” for a while in order to save faster for the house you want. 

3. Start a Side Hustle

The gig economy is booming larger than ever, and it especially came alive during the COVID-19 pandemic. So, it’s the perfect time to jump on the opportunity to start a side hustle. 

If you have any unique skills or talents, you can put them to good use by becoming a contractor/freelancer. Some jobs can be done from the comfort of your own home, such as writing or graphic design. Or, you can work part-time delivering food or becoming a ride-share driver. Most gig economy jobs offer a lot of flexibility. You get to choose the amount of work you want, so you won’t feel overwhelmed. 

Even if a downpayment on your dream house seems out of reach, it’s important to never give up. In most cases, it’s much easier to reach your financial saving goals than you might think. If you’re starting the process of saving for a home, use these tips as much as possible to make the process easier, and you’ll start to see the rewards sooner than you may think.