11 Things You Should Be Doing At Home To Preserve Your Teeth

Our teeth do a lot for us. Not only do they allow us to chew and digest different kinds of food, they also help to preserve the structure of the jaw and face - without them, we’d look pretty strange! This is why damaged teeth and teeth that have not been looked after properly can severely damage the confidence of a person with them. If you want to save a fortune on dental work in the future and maintain your natural smile for as long as possible, below you’ll find 11 things you should be doing at home to preserve your teeth. Take a look!

Use An Electric Toothbrush Twice A Day 

Electric or even sonic toothbrushes are so much more effective than manual toothbrushes - yet many people have not made the switch. Yes, they are expensive in comparison, but they are also far better for the environment than disposable toothbrushes and they do a better job at cleaning the teeth. You will literally feel the difference once you have switched. If you can make this sort of investment now, you will definitely save money in the future. 

Avoid Brushing Too Hard 

Whether you’re brushing with an electric toothbrush or a manual toothbrush, you shouldn’t be brushing too hard. When you brush hard, you can damage the enamel that protects your teeth. You’ll know if you’re brushing too hard as your gums may bleed regularly (normal when you first get an electric toothbrush but this will stop), and you’ll notice that the bristles on your toothbrush bend soon after use. 

  1. Floss

Flossing is something some do twice a day, some only do once. You should aim to do it at least once a day, as it gets rid of debris and gunk left between the teeth that can cause cavities and gum disease. Again, your gums may bleed at first, but you will get used to it and it will die down. You’d be surprised at how much the debris between your teeth can cause bad breath, too! By flossing, you’ll freshen your breath and protect your teeth. 


The final step in your oral care routine should be to rinse with mouthwash. Mouthwash helps to loosen any more debris, get rid of remaining bacteria, and freshen the breath ready for the day. If you’re not convinced that this is something you need to do, take a look at these surprising facts about teeth to convince you otherwise. You’ll be surprised at how much bacteria can live in a person’s mouth! 

Brush Your Tongue 

Don’t forget 0 you should also brush your tongue. A lot of bacteria on the tongue can cause bad breath and eventually tooth decay. A tongue scraper could be a good investment for use in the mornings. Make sure you aren't too harsh with it, and that you don’t use it too often or you may damage the sensitive taste buds on your tongue. 

Watch What You Eat

You can have a balanced diet and healthy teeth, but it really must be balanced. If you consume too much sugary food and drink, you may get lots of cavities and tooth pain. If you don’t keep up regular dental appointments alongside this, then you may need painful procedures to get your teeth healthy again. This is why staying on top of your oral health and paying close attention to any changes is key. 

Chew Gum After Eating

Sugarfree gum is a great way to clean your mouth a little after eating. It can help to rid the mouth of unnecessary bacteria and freshen your breath. Of course, chewing gum isn't something you should have too often. If you chew it all day long, then you may strengthen the masseter muscles (the muscles at the side of the jaw), and they can get larger and give the face a square appearance. When the masseter muscles are strong, this can also result in night time grinding. Chewing gum too often can also be bad for your digestion, so it’s something best done a couple of times a day at most, after meals. 

Watch Out For Teeth Grinding

If you already grind your teeth or have large masseter muscles, it could be that you grind your teeth and you don’t know it. If you grind your teeth you can cause cracks, wear down your enamel, and chip your teeth. You can also wake up with headaches and end up needing serious dental work to fix the problems the grinding has caused. You may not be able to control the grinding at present, but there are things you can try. For example:

  • A mouthguard may be helpful in protecting your teeth at night. You will still grind your teeth but you may not cause damage to the teeth. 

  • Botox can be injected into the masseter muscles to relax them and render them inactive. Of course, this is something that should only ever be performed by a dental or medical professional and not a beautician (the industry is not regulated, so they may offer the service regardless)!

  • Try to de-stress as much as you possibly can. Many people store stress and tension in the jaw, and this is why they grind throughout the day and at night.  

Never Use Your Teeth As Tools 

Many people use their teeth as tools and don’t even think about what this could do. Opening bottles with your teeth is extremely unhealthy and can cause terrible pain and cracks if you’re not careful. Your teeth are delicate, so treat them as such. 

Avoid Bad Habits 

There are many bad habits that can damage your teeth, the main three being excess alcohol, drugs, and smoking. These things can wreak havoc with your oral health, so make sure you’re safe. 

Make Appointments With A Reputable Dentist You Trust 

Don’t think that just because you’re caring for your teeth at home you can skip out on appointments. Just one appointment a year could save you expensive dental work in the future! You can reach out to dentist near me arlington to get started.