Excellent Ways to Feed Your Brain and Body

We all know that we need food to live and that certain types and better for us than others - but what if there are other ways to ensure that our minds and bodies stay healthy? Besides from getting the right intake of certain foods as well as exercising on a daily basis, there is, in fact, even more you can do to look after yourself as you age.


The great thing about this is that everything that makes us happy tends to be good for both our body and our mind. It won’t really require a sacrifice from your side, in other words, and it will be a lot easier to stick to the kind of schedule that is good for you.

Here is a handful of excellent ways to take even better care of yourself in the coming months so that you can face the summer, feeling much more rejuvenated and content with yourself.

First: Get your diet straight

Let’s start with the most basic stuff first; some foods will definitely help you to feel a bit better about yourself and might even help to keep a light depression at bay. It’s all about chemistry, after all, and everything you feed yourself will contribute to this, in the end.

You could try to focus on a single diet, for example, that is known for its health benefits such as the Mediterranean diet. It is rich in olives, oils, and fish, which makes it the perfect combination of food that your brain will love. The grey matter is made up of mostly fat, in any way, so it kind of makes sense that healthy fats will help keep it sharp and active.

Think about types of fish that are relatively fatty, such as sardines, mackerel, and salmon - and fill your plate with these a couple of times per week.

Tufts University has published a study with evidence suggesting that blueberries can be helpful in delaying or improving short-term memory loss. It’s great news for the younger generation who is trying to prevent the loss of cognitive functions - as well as the older generation, in terms of improving their cognitive abilities again.

Remember that you need to get all of your vitamins as well, though, so make sure that you add a supplement if you suspect that your diet doesn’t give you everything you need. Have a look at shilajit resin, for example, for a great brain booster that will keep you going for a bit longer. If you are unsure if a certain supplement will work for you, some companies offer a limited free supply for you to test. For instance, Alpha Brain free trial offers a 15 day supply of their product to interested customers.

Spend time with others and socialise

When you’re feeling a bit down, it can be tough to get yourself out of the house to spend time with those you love - but it’s really important for your mental health. The problem is, of course, that we often ditch the social plans we have because of our mood which again, of course, just brings us even further down.

If you manage to keep in mind that socialising is incredibly important for your mental health, you might be able to find the energy you need to make those plans after all. Try to get a few of your friends over to your place instead, for example, if your energy levels are low. Afterwards, you might feel that your mood has improved greatly - and you’ll actually have the energy you need to get other things done as well.

Spending time with those we care about isn’t just great for our mental health, though, as it can actually also be good for your physical health as well. Your immune system will get a nice boost, for example, when you’re having fun with others and you will certainly help to keep your brain a lot sharper too.

You can have a look at this article to read more about all the amazing benefits of hanging out with those you love the most and enjoying a good laugh.

Play games and read books

Having fun and playing games is a great way to keep your brain sharp and your memory a bit stronger - as well as your body, of course. We’re not just talking regular exercise, though, even if this is great for both your brain and your body; while all games are great, even video games to a certain degree, the best ones involve puzzles, memory games, and chess.

As long as you can put your mind to work and find some time to ponder over different solutions, the better it will be for your mind. Do it in the company of others, by the way, and maximize the benefits of it as you’ll get some of that socialisation done as well.

Have a look at this article to learn about the best kind of games to improve your memory and treat yourself to some fun together with your loved ones. An elderly family member will definitely enjoy this - and you can prepare your head for those important exams while also taking care of your grandparent’s or your parent’s ability to remember.

Writing and reading are also fantastic hobbies for your mind, by the way. It will help you to relax a bit, first of all, as you’re focusing completely on what’s in front of you - but it will also help to boost your memory a bit and keep your brain sharp for longer.

Try to set a goal this year for how many books you’d like to read; write a list, for example, of the specific books and see if you’re able to complete it by the end of 2019.

Go dancing

Finally, you should try to think about the kind of exercise that will give both your brain and your body a good workout. In general, you should focus on those that require balance and/or coordination; dancing, tennis, and yoga are among those and they’re also a lot of fun to do.

Sign yourself up for some classes so that you’re able to spend time with others as well, and get those dancing shoes on right away. You definitely won’t regret it and will have a great new hobby to enjoy for the rest of your, perhaps even slightly longer, life.

Have a listing you think should be featured contact us or email at Jeremy@offthemrkt.com to tell us more! Follow Off The MRKT on Twitter and Instagram, and like us on Facebook.

Five Ways To Improve Your Health And Wellbeing

Your health should always come first, but we often neglect our body and health in general at various points. There are plenty of ways though that you can actively improve your health and wellbeing. Here are five ways to do just that!


Get Enough Sleep

Sleep really is fixing your body overnight, and we need as much as we can get throughout our lives, particularly when we get older. You should be aiming for about seven to nine hours per night so that it gives your body the rest it needs so that you can perform at your best when you’re awake. Try removing any technology from your room or just don’t use it in bed. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening as that will only keep your brain wired, making it harder to fall asleep.

Drink More Water

Good old H2O is a source of energy and revitalization. Water flushes out all your toxins and can help you feel more like yourself if enough is consumed on a daily basis. The recommended amount is 1.5ltrs which to many can seem like a lot, but if you break it down into pint glasses, it’s a lot less than you think. It’s also good when trying to lose weight as it can help curb your hunger when you’re craving for a mid-morning or afternoon snack. It might not taste as good as a chocolate bar, but at least it doesn’t have any calories…

Say ‘No’ More Often

We find it so easy to say yes but when it comes to saying no, we often won’t be able to do it, or we feel guilty when we do. It’s the fear of letting people down that a lot of us have and that natural emotional guilt can end up with us saying yes and making us unhappy, stressed and burning the candle at both ends. So practice saying no, whether that’s at work to your boss who’s given you too much of a heavy load or your friends who want a night out and you just want a night in. related to healthy food such as a meal kit will help with good food choices.

Seek The Alternatives

The alternatives are vast and can be anything from MAT Done Right, which restores health and wellbeing to meditation. We all work and function differently so what might improve someone’s wellbeing might not do exactly the same for someone else. So, explore what’s available to you in order to make you feel more like you.

Cut Out Bad Habits

We all have bad habits, some worse than others. From excessive drinking on a night out to smoking several cigarettes a day, these bad habits are only going to contribute to a shorter and more unhealthier life. If it’s possible, try cutting out something bad in your life, whether it’s something you put in your body, a toxic person in your life or even how you treat yourself.

Try out these five ways to improve your own health and wellbeing, and you’ll be sure to see a difference.

Have a listing you think should be featured contact us or email at Jeremy@offthemrkt.com to tell us more! Follow Off The MRKT on Twitter and Instagram, and like us on Facebook.

Top Tips that will Help you to Stop Food Cravings

Food cravings are never good. At times you may feel as though they have complete control over you and that you just can’t concentrate unless you satisfy them. If this sounds like you then you have nothing to worry about. You are most certainly not alone and so many people experience food cravings every single day. If you are ready to overcome them and take back control over your diet, then here are some top tips that will help to get you started.

Eat Well

It’s so important that you fill up on foods that are rich in vitamins. You also need to make sure that you eat regular meals every single day. Choosing low-sugar and low-fat options is crucial here, because this will help you to stay fuller for longer, not to mention that it will also help you to curb your cravings as well. Eating a high-protein diet can also cut your craving for sweet and savoury food too, so use this to your advantage.

Be Mindful

You really do need to be mindful of when you eat, and what you eat. Mindless eating is not good for your health at all. This includes eating when you are watching a gripping television show or even nibbling at a bag of sweets when you are at work. If you want to stop this then you don’t need to stop eating at all. You just need to swap out your sweets for low-calorie alternatives. This can include carrots, almonds or even cashew nuts.


Drink Water

Believe it or not, hunger can easily manifest itself as dehydration. Drinking water can help to stop you from feeling hungry all the time and it can also help you to stay way fuller as well. Researchers have also shown that having a bottle of water with your meal can easily lead to weight loss, so try and have 8 glasses a day.



When you are stressed, it is easy to reach for junk food. It’s the body’s way of trying to deal with the tension you are under. Instead of fuelling your stress with food that is super unhealthy, you need to try and meditate, do yoga or even undergo acupuncture. If you find that you drink when you are stressed then this is understandable, but it can easily get out of hand. You essentially train your body that when you are stressed, alcohol helps, and this can lead to unhealthy decisions in the future. If you are struggling with this then consider contacting the Stop Drinking Expert.

Snack Little and Often

You may be tempted to cut out snacks as this will help you to lose weight. The problem with this is that it can actually increase your food cravings. When you cave, you will end up eating way more than you would if you just snacked normally. For this reason, if you need to snack, then you need to let yourself from time to time. As mentioned above, just make sure that they are low-calorie alternatives, and let yourself have the occasional treat.

Have a listing you think should be featured contact us or email at Jeremy@offthemrkt.com to tell us more! Follow Off The MRKT on Twitter and Instagram, and like us on Facebook.

These Cocktails Will Make You Even Healthier

Now that Dry January is over, it can be difficult to ease your way back into having a drink every once in a while. It’s often accompanied with guilt of the calories or the sugar that you know you probably shouldn’t have so much of so frequently. Ideally, you’d be able to cut back anytime you wanted and drink as often as you’d want, but we don’t function that way. Luckily enough, there are ways to go around this.

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Being Mindful: Four Ways To Relax And Feel Better

These days we are encouraged more and more to be mindful and to take better care of ourselves, and so relaxing has become more of an essential to our routines than ever before. Work stress, relationships, family life, they can all take their toll physically and mentally, and therefore we can need some time to relax and unwind But how best is it to do that? I wanted to share with you some of the ways that you could relax and feel better.


Having a massage

Sometimes we can feel stressed and ache in our bodies, and this can cause us to feel a little down and out. So it may be time to think about how you can relax your whole body, as well as your mind, and one of the ways to do it would be a massage. There are places such as the Vancouver Massage Center the could offer a body massage and help relieve some of the tension that has built up in your muscles, perhaps in your back or shoulders. It could certainly be a great way to relax and unwind, and doing it regularly such as once a month, could be the ideal solution.

Getting an early night

Everyone needs sleep, there is no hiding from that fact. But at the same time, you also need to understand that you need to get a decent night's sleep. An early night is often the best way to relax after a particularly tough and tiring day. Enabling you to get the rest you need, relax in bed and generally rest your mind and your body. If sleep is something you struggle with, try and start a bedtime touring where you encourage your body to relax as the night goes on, enabling you to fall naturally to sleep quickly.

Taking better care of yourself

It is also important that you take better care of yourself when it comes to your body and mind, and one of the ways to do that would be to make relaxation a priority. We can all feel stressed and anxious for various reasons in our lives, and so making sure you take the time to unwind from that is important. Simple things like making sure you are eating the right things, being active during the day, getting enough sleep and also taking some time to enjoy a little bit of self care. Which brings us to our last suggestion.

Indulging in a bit of self care

Self care can be a great way to relax, but it is also essential to help us stay positive and to keep a healthy mindset. Self care will always be different for everyone, so it is all about finding what works for you. This could be a simple thing such as a warm bath before bed. It might be that you like to switch off and relax with your favourite TV programme or a calming game such as spider solitaire and the Hearts card game. Self care might involve taking extra care with your skincare routine, your exercise, or what you eat. Find what works for you and then don’t be afraid to do it as often as necessary to help you relax. 

Let’s hope these tips help you to relax and feel better.

Have a listing you think should be featured contact us or email at Jeremy@offthemrkt.com to tell us more! Follow Off The MRKT on Twitter and Instagram, and like us on Facebook.