Simple Ways to Make Your Commute Less Awful

More people are physically going into work again. Some people are lucky to have a short drive. But what if you have a long way to go just to get to work? The drive can be a boring nightmare. It's even worse if you get stuck in NYC's notorious traffic. However, there is some good news. There are some ways to make the travel time to work go much faster. Take a look at these suggestions below.

Listen to a Podcast

More people are listening to podcasts every day. Even better, more podcasts are coming out in different genres with unique storylines and premises. It doesn't hurt to give it a try. What are you interested in? Are you interested in hearing about hidden histories? There are plenty of podcasts to scratch that itch. Do you like horror? There are several more podcasts that are created every day. You can even find podcasts on travel. It doesn't take too much to find what you are looking for. In fact, globally there are approximately 1.8 billion websites operating at the same time every day. All you have to do is subscribe and enjoy as you drive to work.

Listen to an Audiobook

If podcasts aren't for you, you can always buy or rent an audiobook for the road. You can choose from fiction or non-fiction from any place where audiobooks can be found. The more chapters, the better. A thriller can help you stay alert during traffic lulls, and mysteries can make you excited to get behind the wheel and figure out what happens next.

Keep Snacks on Hand

Sometimes traffic takes a lot longer than you expect it to. To help prevent road rage when you're "hangry," always keep snacks in the car. You never know where you are going to be stuck in traffic or have your car broken down when you least expect it. It's easy to go for things like candy and chips. However, it's better to go for something healthier on the road. Nonperishable items would be better if you were to keep them in the car.

Don't Get Too Distracted

Above all else, keep your eyes on the road. You don't want to end up in an accident on your travel to work. According to NCCI data, the number one most costly lost-time workers' compensation claims by cause of injury resulted from motor-vehicle crashes, and considering there are more than 500,000 refrigerated trucks in service at the same time you're on the road, you want to be sure you're paying close attention to your surroundings.

The commute to work doesn't have to be the worst part of your day. You can make it fun and go by much faster. The tips above will help your commute be less awful until you get to work. Your workday may be the pits, but the drive there and back doesn't have to be.