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Your Feet Are Your Lifeline, Don't Neglect Them

The feet are our connection with the ground. This means that on a relatively small contact area they have to carry the entire body weight and more. They should allow movement, serve as shock absorbers and as a mechanism that transmits feedback from the ground for walking and standing. The modern way of life - standing on hard surfaces and unsuitable shoes, create deformities in the feet, pain and damage. This can lead to many other problems that make life unbearable. If you can’t walk well, your quality of life is greatly impacted. That is why any foot problems should be carefully looked at by a specialist. A pedorthist could be of great assistance to you. Here are some ways to protect your feet and take the best care of them. 

Take care of dry feet

Dryness in the feet usually causes cracks and crevices in the skin, which are not very painful, but are very aesthetically disturbing. In more extreme cases, it can lead to infection. When it comes to choosing a product ready to treat dry feet, it is worth checking if one of the first ingredients on the list is mineral oil. This component can be found in Vaseline. The mineral oils are extracted from oil and they coat the skin with an impermeable layer, sealing the skin and giving a feeling of elasticity and moisture. In the long run the body stops secreting natural moisture, so these products lead to increased dryness and chronic dependence on the product. 

Swollen feet and ankles

Those who stand on their feet all day, know very well what swollen feet mean. Sometimes, your feet and ankles may swell on a plane and this is not a sign of being unhealthy and it is nothing to worry about, but it can be troublesome! If you come back at the end of the day with tired and swollen legs, you should try to use oils that stimulate blood circulation and fluids, refreshing and rejuvenating such as geranium, lemongrass, grapefruit and mint. There are several usage options. It is possible to make an ointment from all or some of these oils as we There are several usage options. It is possible to make an ointment from all or some of these oils as we described above. Another option is to take a tub bath for feet with lukewarm to cool water and drip in a few drops of essential oil. After the treatment with application or immersion in oils, lift the legs on a pillow, above knee height for half an hour, take a deep breath and get up again.

Foot problems from diabetes 

Peripheral neuropathy is common in people with diabetes, and peripheral neuropathy is most often responsible for leg pain in diabetics. Such pains belong to the early symptoms of diabetes experienced by undiagnosed people. The pain is characterized by burning, itching and a burning sensation. Practices that utilize the right Neuropathy Marketing will often focus on the importance of proper foot care for those with diabetes. Diabetics should maintain their blood sugar levels within normal limits to prevent nerve damage. Regular foot checks and daily cleansing are essential. Check your feet every day, be careful of bruises and avoid locking closed shoes.

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