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Why The Quality Of The Water Your Drink Is Extremely Important

People often pay a lot of attention to the type of clothes they wear, to the car they drive, to the phone they use. But, they often forget to pay close attention to one of the most important things in everyone’s life - the quality of water they drink. Water is something that people drink every day and that is necessary for their bodies. Because of those things, it is crucial that the water you drink is of high quality. To learn more about why the quality of water you drink matters so much, read through the rest of the article below. 

It leads to better health

When the water you drink is of good quality, it helps you prevent waterborne diseases. Research has shown that people who drink unfiltered water are much more likely to suffer from gastrointestinal illnesses. Although the level of chemicals, microorganisms, and other contaminants is usually regulated, not all contaminants are removed. These things can majorly alter the quality as well as the taste of water. You have probably noticed that your coffee has a weird taste from time to time. This is because the quality of tap water varies for these reasons. Having a Commercial Grade System can allow you to have high-quality water. By using such a system, you will be sure that neither the taste of the water nor your health is being compromised. 

The water can contain pesticides

One of the most common pollutants that can affect your water supply is certainly pesticides. These chemicals are used everywhere to protect and harvest plants and to keep the grass nice and green. With so many problems occurring with this, stronger and stronger pesticides are being used. And when rain falls, these chemicals end up in the ground, and then, in the main sources of the water people drink. This can be quite dangerous as pesticides can cause a major impact on your health. They can cause skin rashes and allergic reactions, as well as some more serious problems such as cardiac arrest and even death. So, to avoid any of these unpleasant situations, make sure to filter your tap water before you drink it. 

It sometimes contains bacteria

Even though water suppliers typically monitor if there are any microorganisms present in water, you should not take their word for it. While some bacteria are absolutely harmless to people’s health, others can pose a serious threat to your health. So, if there is any debris in your water supply, never drink that kind of water. Instead, drink either bottled water or filter your water. And of course, contact your water supplier to inform them about this issue. If you are using water filters, remember to clean them properly and regularly, and change them when the time is right. If your filters are contaminated and old, the quality of the water you drink might be compromised. 

Higher levels of fluorides can be found in tap water

It can sometimes happen that high levels of fluorides are present in tap water. In some cities, the water supplies add fluoride to the water because it is good for people’s teeth and bones. However, if the level of fluorides is too high, it can be damaging to your health and possibly deadly. It can damage your bones, it can damage your kidneys, and can even cause neurological issues in children. So, when you get your water filters, make sure that they have filters for fluorides. 

Lead can, unfortunately, occur in water too

You have probably previously heard of lead poisoning caused by lead-based pencils and lead paint. And even though it should absolutely never occur in water people drink, it unfortunately sometimes happens. This is due to lead pipes and lead fittings that were installed in the water supply system years ago. Consuming the water that passes those kinds of things can lead to lead poisoning. This type of poisoning is more common in children than in adults, but continuous exposure can affect adults too. The symptoms that usually occur are nausea, headaches, anemia, confusion, kidney issues, and so on. So, if you have the opportunity, check with your water supplier if they test the levels of lead and how high they are. Water filters can help with removing lead from tap water too. 

As you drink water every day, it is crucial that it is of high quality. It is important that it has no dangerous chemicals, nor bacteria in it. If you have the opportunity, install filters and other types of systems to make sure that the quality of the water you drink is high. This will do miracles when it comes to saving your overall health.

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