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Why Is My Ear Ringing?

Do you sometimes have the feeling that there’s an odd ringing sound at the back of your ear?

If this is the case, there are, of course, a variety of reasons for it. One of the most common and yet most ignored is your brain playing tricks on you. Indeed, if you work in a busy office where the phone repeatedly rings during the day, your brain might have created a pattern of reactions. For instance, if the phone always rings when your boss is in the office, your brain naturally fills up the blanks each time you see your boss. Similarly, you might experience ringing after attending a concert, as your ears need to readjust to the sounds around you.

But what if the ringing doesn’t stop? There are four typical causes of long-term ringing disruption.

Did you bump your head?

If you’re a gym-goer, you know there’s a chance you might injure yourself. Indeed, people who work out regularly are more likely to experience to hurt themselves. An injury can happen without warning and cause you to lose your balance instantly. Imagine twisting your ankle while running for instance, which can lead to a fall. Aside from taking the time to rest and recover from your injury before heading back to the gym, you need to pay attention to the signs your body is sending. Indeed, a ringing in the ear, if it coincides with a fall, could indicate a concussion. You might also experience headache, dizziness, and nausea.

My brain is receiving the wrong info

A ringing sound that doesn’t seem to be connected to anything is often described as tinnitus. While tinnitus can appear after an ear infection, a shock, or even mild hearing loss, ultimately there is no apparent trigger. However, for those who suffer from constant ringing, audiologists have proven a link between hearing aids & tinnitus as wearing hearing aids can provide a form of relief. In some cases, it can not only help you to reduce or eliminate the ringing sound.

Your ears are blocked

Do you know how to clean your ears safely? Indeed, while nobody likes to talk about earwax, it’s important to understand that using cotton swabs regularly puts your ears at risk. Indeed, you might not only damage your eardrum and your inner ear, but you are, more likely creating an earwax blockage by attempting to remove it. This might cause hearing impairment and ringing, as well as discomfort. The safest way to remove the plug is to consult a specialist. Additionally, you should stop using cotton swabs in your ears. Instead, wait until the cerumen loosens and reaches the outer ear to remove it.

Your jawbone connected to the skull

If you haven’t heard of TMJ before, it’s a joint disorder that affects the upper and lower jaw. Typical symptoms include the feeling that your jaw is getting stuck. Additionally, ringing ears, headaches, and a clicking sound when you open the mouth. Your dentist can diagnose the issue and help you to find the appropriate treatment.

In films, a ringing ear is often used as a precursor of deafness. However, your ears might be trying to tell you something else! Instead, it's essential to consider your symptoms as a whole to avoid further complications.

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