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What To Do To Your Property After A Tenant Leaves

Depending on your current situation, you might be happy or sad to be losing your current tenants. Regardless of your emotions, however, you have to work to fill the vacancy so you can get back to making money. It is highly recommended that you advertise online to attract as many buyers as possible. Along with that, you should be screening any potential tenants to ensure that you don’t find yourself in a nightmare situation.

That will take care of finding tenants. However, you have to look after your property as well. A home that is in poor shape will not attract any buyers or tenants your way. Here are some things you should do with your property after a tenant leaves.

Clean the House

The first thing that you need to be doing whenever a tenant moves out, is to get it ready for possible future tenants. This means giving each room a good thorough cleaning. You might be thinking that you can do this yourself. However, it is highly recommended that you employ some professionals to get the job done, and for more than pure convenience. 

Regardless of where you are renting, there is a cleaning service that you can find. In Chelsea, for example, there are many properties available to purchase and then rent to tenants. You will also find plenty of services for affordable end of tenancy cleaning in Chelsea, guaranteeing that the house gets the clean that it needs. Why should you go about hiring a team?

When people move out, there can be germs and bacteria absorbed into the fabrics, the furniture, and there might even be problems where the walls need a cleaning. If you are doing this yourself, there is a strong chance that you miss a lot of the things that need to be cleaned. A professional service will use the proper chemicals to penetrate all fabrics and ensure that each surface is getting clean. Do you really want new tenants moving into a place that isn’t sanitary?


When your old tenant moves out, you might use that as an opportunity to modernize the house and change some of the styles within it. Paint styles are changing every few years, and if you haven't painted in a long time, there is a chance that your home and its decor is out of style. First things first, wallpaper is tacky nowadays, and people look to avoid it. Rip out any of it that you see and start to plan your colour schemes.

To modernize the house, look for subtle colours on three walls in each room and then make the fourth one bold. Accent walls are fantastic for rooms and can draw attention toward them. By taking the time to repaint and modernize the house, you can attract a lot of new tenants and younger people.

Throw Away Old Furniture

When an old tenant moves away, they are going to take some of the furniture and things that they bought with them. There is also a chance that they leave some of the older things behind. Make a decision if you want to keep them or replace them with a more modern look. Along with that, you might have your own furniture in the place that you are looking to replace. There is no better time to redecorate. Pick a style and shop around and remember that you won’t have to buy too much as your new tenant will be bringing in things as well.

Change the Locks

After a tenant leaves, you have to change the locks. Although it is highly unlikely that they return, you cannot take that chance, especially with your new tenants coming in. Make the choice if you are going to stick with conventional locks or switch over to something like a keypad. Either way, you have to change the locks.

Fix Up the Lawn

The first impression someone gets from a house is the lawn and front area. If you have potential tenants coming around and the lawn is poorly kept, it reflects poorly on you and your property. Take some time to mow the lawn or rake if it is in the fall. Set up the garden and remove any weeds. It will go a long way towards impressing other people.

These are all essential things that you should look to do when your old tenant leaves. It is all about getting the property up and running so you can attract new tenants. Screen them beforehand so you can be sure you are getting people who you know will take care of your property. What do you plan on doing to the place?

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