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What Rights Do You Have as a Customer?

We’re all relatively familiar with the term “consumer rights”, but not many of us are aware of the specifications that this phrase entails. It mainly protects you as a consumer, so that you’re not harmed by a product and you’re given enough information to make a calculated decision. It’s also your right to have a variation of the same product because you should be able to choose based on your preference, not on the lack of goods. You might not be entitled to quality merchandise, but you should expect that whatever product you’ll use or consume is not going to affect your health. You should also know that if one of your rights were violated, whether it was through misinformation or invalid information about a service, you can and should demand recuperation. . On that note, let’s review your rights as a customer.

Safety Rights

Usually, when you’re shopping for groceries, you don’t stop to think about whether the goods that you’re buying will harm you or your family in any way. Typically, the things that consumers watch out for are calories and whether they can find a healthier alternative for this product. Not because this merchandise is essentially harmful to their health, but because there might be something with less fat percentage for instance. Not having to worry about your health when you’re buying goods is your right as a customer. This doesn’t only apply to food; it goes for anything else that you can purchase. 

Entitled to Accurate Labels

As a customer, it’s also your right to have the information handed to you whenever you’re buying anything. Ever wondered why companies bother writing down all of these nutritional facts along with the ingredients used? It’s because you’re entitled to this kind of information. It’s vital that you know what you’re buying. For instance, if someone’s skin is allergic to a certain kind of fabric and unbeknownst to them, they buy bed sheets that are made from this kind of material, then it’s their right to go to the complaint center because they were harmed by this product. This is why it’s essential that companies inform their customers of every little detail so that they don't have to purchase products at the expense of their health.

To File Complaints

As mentioned above, it’s your right as a consumer to have accurate information in order to know that it’s safe to use. Now, what happens when a person is harmed by something that they‘ve bought? Well, it’s also within their rights to legally file a complaint if they were ever put in this situation. However, it’s important to pay attention to details before reaching out to lawyers. As the Employment and Consumer Law Group explains, the customer needs to make sure that they have either been given an invalid report or there was a lack of information when they were served with the product. Otherwise, they can’t really file a complaint because the company wasn’t at fault and the customer didn’t pay attention to details. Nevertheless, if the organization failed to produce an accurate report then the buyer can file an official complaint and get compensated accordingly. 


There are of course some grey areas in such cases, for instance, the buyer can purchase a product that provides the correct information, but it’s not working properly. It wouldn’t be appropriate to file a legal complaint, but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing you can do about it. In this case, you reach out to the complaint center that’s offered by the company. This kind of availability is part of your rights as a buyer. Corporations are required to have a QRC, also known as the Question-Request-Complaint center, where people can present queries, requests, and complaints to the company.


It’s also your right as a buyer to be presented with a set of variations of the same product because you’re entitled to freedom of choice. If you’re only given one merchandise that you can buy, then you don't exactly have a choice here because you’re being limited to one thing that may not meet standards or your needs. So when you’re walking down the supermarket alley and you’re seeing a variety of the same product, know that it’s within your rights to be able to have a wide range to pick from.

We all know that we have rights as customers, but most of us aren’t really sure what this phrase means. There are certain things that you need to keep in mind when you’re buying goods.. If you experience an infringement of your rights, then you’re entitled to legally file a complaint and get compensated. Make sure that you’re not being misinformed and remember that you can always head to the complaint center when there’s a problem with the product.

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