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Warning signs which indicate it’s time to get a new roof

Every house needs a strong and sturdy roof. Not only is it vital for keeping the people who live there safe from the rain and other bad weather, but the state of the roof also has a huge impact on both the appearance and value of a property. So regardless of whether or not you’re currently trying to sell your house, it’s vital that you pay attention to the condition of your roof. As soon as you spot any signs of damage, get them repaired immediately by the professionals before a small problem becomes a big one. 

Not sure what to look out for? Here are some of the main warning signs that you might need a new roof:

Your current roof is over 25 years old

On average, a roof can be expected to last between 20 and 25 years before it’s time to replace it. Even if you haven’t spotted any problems, the weather conditions your roof is exposed to will undoubtedly cause some wear and tear over time. Therefore if yours is around this age or older and you’ve never had any work done on it, it might be worth having it inspected. Simply Google ‘roof contractor near me’ and speak to a professional company in your area to get started.

Your roof is sagging

One of the most noticeable signs that your roof has a problem is that the entire structure is sagging. This often indicates it has experienced several structural damages, and in the worst-case scenario, the roof could even be on the verge of collapsing. This can pose a danger to you and your family, so if you can see any kind of drooping or depression – for instance, along the ridge of the roof – then it’s imperative you call in an expert right away to examine the damage.

There are missing or damaged tiles

If you have a tiled roof, you should periodically check whether any of the tiles are missing or damaged. Spotting cracks or gaps early on can help you to catch potential problems before they develop into a larger issue that’s more expensive and time-consuming to fix. Other signs to watch out for include mold and moss growth, as well as debris in the gutters.

You have issues with leaks

If water is leaking into your home, this is a very bad sign and should be addressed immediately before too much damage is done. Keep an eye out for any watermarks, mildew, or mold on the ceiling or walls, and check the attic regularly for any water damage. If you notice anything, be sure to get it dealt with immediately.

Sunlight is visible from inside

Another issue to check for when you’re in the attic is whether you can see any sunlight seeping in through your roof. If you can, there might be cracks or holes which will also let in rain, wind, and other bad weather – which in turn can cause internal damage to your home. To check the current state of your roof, switch off all the lights and go up to the loft in the middle of the day and see what you can see.

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