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Want to Start Cooking Every Day? Here’s how you Do That

If you can’t understand how people cook every day, you are not alone. Some people just don’t have the energy, and others don’t have the motivation. If you want to make a positive change and cook at home way more than this guide will tell you everything you need to know.

Why Aren’t you Cooking?

To start with, you need to find out why you aren’t cooking. It may be that you don’t have time or that you simply don’t know how to get started. On the other hand, it may be that you have tried cooking in the past and have not been able to get anywhere. Either way, if this sounds like you then you have to know that you can’t move past your bad habits if you don’t take action on them. If you don’t know how to cook then there are many cooking books out there that you can use. If you don’t have time, find recipes that are quick and easy to do. By doing this, you will soon find that it is easier than ever to get the desired result.

Start Small

With any new habit, you need to try and start out small. A lot of people fail at working out because they cannot go from being a couch potato to going to the gym for an hour every day. This is normal, and with everything, you have to find a way to work up to that level. The same applies to cooking. If you do not cook at all then it is helpful for you to start cooking once per week. Over time, as you are able to get more comfortable, you can boost this up to twice per week. If you can do this, then you will soon find that you are able to make a positive change without shocking your system. Want a healthy meal to cook? Why not look up how to make homemade fish sticks?

Make Bigger Portions

Your ancestors did not have the option of being able to refrigerate food. We do, and if you use this to your advantage then you have the chance to cook your cooking time in half. When you cook once per week, ensure you have enough to have the same meal later in the week. If you can do this then you can make sure that you are having at least two home-cooked meals a week. Some people recommend cooking on Sunday and then making sure that you have enough to last. This approach can be tough as it means you have a huge level of responsibility in a single day.

Cook Food you Love

One of the main motivators when it comes to cooking is the fact that you can be healthier. You may be tempted to launch into cooking the healthiest meals possible for this very reason, but you should avoid this if possible. A lot of healthy meals that are suited to beginners are not as appetising as meals that are less healthy. If you are used to eating at a restaurant then there is a high chance that your tastebuds will be used to a lot of salt and a lot of fat. If you move from this to a diet that consists of just vegetables then this will work against you. If you want to work around this then you need to try and prepare foods that you enjoy. If you can do this then you will find cooking way more motivating and this can work in your favour.

Share it with Others

One of the most difficult parts of getting motivated is having to cook for just yourself. If you cook for a lot of people, then this will encourage you to put the time in and you may even find that you can cook a healthy and nutritious meal. If you are single then try and find ways to invite people over for dinner and show off your cooking skills. Make sure that you only invite people over, who you are not afraid to make mistakes in front of. If you can do this then you will soon find that you don’t feel bad when things do go wrong and this can work in your favour.

Of course, cooking can be tough, but if you can make a small change today then you can build up and eventually make a major change to your life. Why not see if you can cook dinner tonight, and get yourself on a path to healthier eating?

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