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Want to Get the Perfect Tan? Here Are Some Tips

In the summers, it’s pretty prevalent to see people lying by their swimming pools or on the beach trying to get a nice bronze glow on their skin. Tanning is a very common thing for people in colder countries to be doing in the summers, which also means it’s also quite often that people get it wrong. This is especially the case if they go for alternate means to achieve a tan, like tanning beds. Tanning beds are one of the worst things you could do to yourself, considering the extremely high amount of UV radiation increases the chance of you getting skin cancer by almost 75%. Even though the sun may seem like it’s doing a lot of good, you have to consider the damage the sun also does underneath the skin. If you’re not tanning correctly, you could expose yourself to sunburns, flaky skin, and strap marks as well. Getting the perfect tan is an easy job but requires just a little bit of commitment to self-care, and here are a few tips on how you can do that.

Know Your Skin

Many people don’t realize that we all have unique skin, meaning you need to dive deep into what could be good for you and what could be bad for you. Everything from your age, medical history, and skin type is included in the list of things you need to be wary of while getting a tan. Multiple skin types react differently to exposure to UV radiation. Type I is pale skin, and pale skin does not have the capacity of melanin to be tanned, so it just burns. While type III is beige skin that burns very slightly but tends to tan into a beautiful light brown color. These different skin types need to be treated differently, so please try and do some research on yourself before you decide to go for a tan. 

Prepare Yourself

Tanning is not all about getting a darker skin tone. You have to make sure the tan is evenly spread throughout the body. To do that, you need to take care of any bumps or cracks in your skin beforehand, so it’s recommended that a week or two before you decide on getting a tan, you should exfoliate your skin properly and make sure it’s as smooth as ever. Next, we have tanning lotions and sunscreen. Tanning lotions are specifically designed to allow you to speed up the tanning process, reducing the amount of time you spend in the sun. Since there are lots of different options, to learn more, do a bit of research online. The information found at will help you figure out what kind of tanning lotion is good for you. Now, most tanning lotions come with an SPF rating, but if you’re planning on going the natural way, you should consider getting at least an SPF 30 or 40 if you have generally sensitive skin. People need sunscreen to protect their skin from burning and flaking, and it’s always better to look for sunscreen that contains antioxidants that give wrinkle care and extra UV protection. 

Tanning and Post-Tan Care 

As mentioned earlier, people need to adjust the way they tan to facilitate their differences in skin type. Skin types also affect how long you stay in the sun and how much SPF you use. Another great suggestion would be to take small breaks between your tans by finding some shade or wearing a hat. Researchers say that taking these small breaks reduces the probability of sunburns and UV intensity, making your tan last longer. After you’re done tanning, you need to do a couple of things to make sure your skin is healthy. First of all, you need to take a nice cold shower and moisturize your skin to avoid any cracks due to dehydration. Then your skincare routine can mostly be adjusted according to what you require. For example, using lotions that contain Aloe vera could help soothe your skin due to its anti-inflammatory properties, helping you avoid blisters. It’s never a good idea to exfoliate or use scrubs after you’re done tanning, which is why it was recommended that you exfoliate beforehand. Long exposure to the sun can cause the skin to peel off, and it’s always better to let it come off naturally rather than take it off yourself, causing more harm. 

I know tanning is supposed to be considered a relaxing and soothing activity, and it could be once you remember everything you need to know about it. These may seem like a lot of rules for tanning, but this is just a way for you to get the most out of a nice day in the sun, and to get that beautiful bronze glow everyone’s dying for. 

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