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Valentine's Day Gifts That Suit Your Partner

With Valentine’s Day just a little over a month on the horizon, many spouses, lovers, and would-be lovers are a little tense trying to figure out what gift to get for their loved ones or crushes. This process can be a bit difficult if you don’t know your partner or would be partners for a short time, which is a common norm nowadays.

Giving a gift on Valentine’s Day is very special because it symbolizes commitment and understanding between two or potential partners. If you’re finding yourself in a pickle trying to decide what to give your significant other or crush, here are a couple of Valentine’s Day gift ideas that just might suit your partner!

Your Gift Guide for Different Types of Partners

People have different personality types, so it’s best to choose your gift based on that aspect of your partner or prospective partner. Here are a couple of gift ideas based on the four most common personality types.

For the Romantic Partner

If your partner is the romantic type, then you’re lucky enough to have a lot of options on your hands when it comes to gifts. Common gift ideas include flowers, scented candles, chocolates, gift cards, handwritten love letters, and more. But if you want to put more effort and go above and beyond, then there are a few feasible ideas as well.

Planning a romantic candle-lit dinner, giving a pet, and presenting diamond jewelry are considered greatly romantic by many couples all across the globe. The main point of giving a gift to a romantic partner is letting them know your passion and intent, so the most expensive gift might not always be the best choice for a romantic partner. 

The value of the gift is determined by whether you paid attention to them and remember small details that embody the gift. Romantic partners are the easiest to please among all personality types because they read more into the intent of the giver than the price of the gift itself. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t choose carefully what to give your partner and just buy something romantic at random.  

For the Practical Partner

Not all partners are very romantic, as some tend to be more practical than their significant other. This doesn’t mean they don’t love their partners any less than the other personality types; it’s just that they value practical things more than emotional attachments when it comes to gifts. Choosing a gift for a practical partner can be difficult if you’re new to the relationship or know second-hand information about them.

A good place to start is gifting them something that they can use on a day-to-day basis, like eyeglasses or a wristwatch. These kinds of gifts are sure to last, with the added bonus of reminding them of you every time they use them. Some other gift ideas for male partners include belts, ties, shoes, and wallets. For female partners, one can go for designer purses, earrings, bracelets, makeup kits, sound buds, makeup mirrors, and more.

For the Adventurous Partner

If your partner is the outdoorsy and adventurous type, then planning a romantic getaway together might be the best idea for a trip. It’ll still be winter when Valentine’s Day takes place, so you could consider planning a weekend getaway at a ski resort and enjoying a romantic day in the snow. Besides skiing, you can also go trekking or even plan a short vacation somewhere sunnier globally.

If going on an adventure together is not an option, then don’t fret; there are still plenty of other gift ideas left. You can give them a mountain bike if they enjoy cycling, consider gifting them a quality backpack, necessary travel items like a thermos flask, and more.

For the Creative Partner

Though their personality types are vastly different, there is a common ground between practical and creative personalities- both like gifts that help them perform better. For creative partners, the gift choice depends on the type of creative stuff they’re into. 

If he or she is an artist, then a quality brush set or sketch pencils can be great Valentine’s Day gift ideas. If they’re into music, then giving them an instrument of their choice or a rare album of their favorite band can also be a great idea.

Take Your Time to Decide

Getting a Valentine’s Day gift can be a tough ordeal for many people, so hopefully, all the tips above will help you decide if you’re in a dilemma. Remember, it’s the thought that counts, not the price. So make sure to decide on the best possible gift depending on your partner’s personality type.

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