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Using DSCR Loans to Boost Your Real Estate Portfolio

Real estate investment can be a lucrative venture, especially if you get involved in the right markets. Though it can lead to amazing profits that will secure your financial future, it does take a decent amount of research and know-how to be successful in this sector. There are right ways and wrong ways to pursue this type of venture, and knowing the right strategies could make the difference between turning a profit and making a bad investment that yields few benefits.

One of the most effective strategies to boost your real estate investment portfolio is the use of DSCR loans. These loans are very different from your typical personal or business loan, and many investors may be unaware of the benefits that they offer. Once you know what makes these loans unique, you will want to use them for every future property purchase. 

How can DSCR loans be a game-changer for your investment strategy, and therefore, potential profits? Let’s break it down.

Based on Property Cash Flow

DSCR stands for debt service coverage ratio. This ratio is calculated by dividing the amount of property income by the total expenses and loan payments. A ratio of 1 means that your projected cash flow from the property would cover no more and no less than the total expenses for owning the property plus the principal and interest payments on the loan. The further above 1 your calculated ratio is, the more likely you are to receive a DSCR mortgage loan to purchase the property. If the ratio is lower than one, then you may have to prove to lenders that your personal resources can cover that gap. 

Most Loans are Based on Personal Income

This is the main difference between DSCR loans and other types of loans. Usually, you have to prove that your level of income will allow you to cover loan payments each month. You will have to put up collateral in the form of assets that you own that the lender can seize if you fail to pay back the loan. Since DSCR loans are granted based on property income, you do not have to show that your income levels will cover the payments since the property cash flow will do so.

Better Scalability

Many loans require that a previous loan be paid off before you can receive another one. This would limit the number of properties you can invest in if you rely on commercial or personal loans. With a DSCR loan, however, there is no limit to how many you can take out at once. This means you could purchase multiple properties with multiple loans at once, so long as you have the capital to cover down payments.

This makes it easier for serious investors to scale their portfolios. You could purchase an apartment complex with one loan, an Airbnb property in the Hamptons with another, and then a high-demand business property with a third. This freedom will allow your profits to skyrocket, and you can quickly reinvest profits from one property into a DSCR loan down payment for another.

Faster Processing

Although the barriers to securing the loan are more strict, such as a higher down payment requirement and a strong credit score, the process from start to finish is usually much faster than a regular loan. This means that you can close your property deals much sooner. No longer will you have to wait months, continuously submitting the most recent pay stubs and bank statements as the loan application drags on. Since a DSCR mortgage is based on property income, it can be calculated and granted much faster. The amount of documentation that must be provided to the lender is much lower than conventional loans. This could give you a leg up on other potential buyers that are looking at the same property since you can put in your offer sooner with an approved loan ready to go. 

Borrowing Through an LLC or Other Entity

Another advantage of DSCR loans is that borrowers can obtain them through an LLC or other entity if they wish to protect their identity. Though borrowing from an LLC has extra layers and requirements, it can help protect the private resources of the borrower. That is not the case for conventional loans, which require that the loan is under the name of the individual. This is a popular strategy for experienced real estate investors, and it may work for you as well.

Take Advantage of DSCR Loans to Boost Your Portfolio

With faster processing periods, greater potential for scaling, and a basis on property income over personal assets, DSCR loans are the perfect tool for the serious real estate investor. They are ideal for those with some extra capital to spend on a sizeable down payment but without the personal income levels that would be needed for other types of loans. If you want to improve your portfolio and get closer to achieving your financial dreams, then consider securing a DSCR loan for your next property purchase. 

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