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Turn Your Bathroom Into A Relaxing Haven for Self-Care Sessions

Finally, after generations of focusing on tirelessly working and neglecting our well-being, specifically mental health, we have now come to an era with realisations that prioritising self-care and mental health is essential. Self-care routines consist of living out a healthy lifestyle and engaging in de stressing activities such as reading books, refreshing spa days or skincare routines, relaxing baths and more. With this, a bathroom is now seen as more than just a room where one keeps his/her hygiene in check and goes to the toilet. With modern designs and new ideas becoming popular, you can now turn your bathroom into an at-home spa that can be a haven for your self-care sessions.

Here are some tips and factors you need to consider to help you achieve a self-care sanctuary at home:

Start with a blank canvas you can also keep

It’s always refreshing to go into a room that is not cluttered. The first thing you should do is empty your bathroom except for the plumbing fixtures. Paint your walls with a plain colour that you see as calming. Most designers would advise you to choose light and neutral colours. Afterwards, with this blank canvas, make sure you choose the right items to add. Bare or minimalist rooms will help you have a clear mind, especially since with less clutter, there are less messes and fewer chores you’ll get to worry about.

Fresh flowers can significantly add to this.

Flowers are symbols of beauty, appreciation, delicacy, and such that gives us a wonderful feeling. Having flowers on the countertop in your bathroom can change the whole vibe of the room. These are only minor details, but even things as small can fill you with joy, ready for a self-care session.

Bring life to your bathroom with plants.

This has been one of the new trends since 2020. What’s one thing that can always provide a calming feeling? Plants. Plants help you get in touch with nature, and we all know how relaxing this can be. More so, plants can purify the air in its surrounding, thus creating a new environment. You can have different plant species in your bathroom, but you should look up or ask an expert what plants can thrive inside a bathroom.

Don’t forget the lighting, music, and aroma.

The combination of dim lighting, pleasant aroma and the perfect playlist is the final touch and one of the ultimate tricks in turning your bathroom into an at-home spa and self-care space. These three are what spas are known for. Adding these to your bathroom will not cost you a significant amount of money as you can opt for candles for the lighting and aroma and download a playlist any time. When you consider these three factors for your bathroom, you’ll be able to have the best self-care sessions that you deserve.

These are just some of the things you can follow. The possibilities in turning your bathroom into a self-care haven are endless. From small items such as flowers to big ones such as baths or shower options, you can browse different design inspirations at Victoria Plum.

Starting this project should not be something you should put off or shrug as unnecessary, especially if you have the means to do so. After a long day at work, school, or running errands, you deserve that self-care session at the end. To have the best experience in this, you’ll need to prep your bathroom first.

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