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Treadmill Buying Tips From the Pros

The coronavirus pandemic came as a huge shock to the system in early 2020, however, none of us thought we would still be feeling its effects nearly a year later. Many of us are still furloughed from our jobs, or we have found that we need to find alternative avenues of employment in order to keep the wolf from the door. Most non-essential shops and services remain closed and sports clubs and gyms are no go areas due to the fact that close contact with others might spread the evil virus. This has meant that those of us that liked keeping fit have had to adapt, and one way of doing so is to turn the home into a home gym. The most integral part of any gym is the treadmill, so in this article, we are going to take a look at everything that you need to know about treadmills and give you some buying tips from the pros, so read on to find out more. 


Owning a treadmill is an investment because even those at the bottom end of the market cost a few hundred pounds, so they are not a purchase that you should take lightly. You can, though, spend up to several thousand pounds so it is important to establish your budget at the outset otherwise you run the risk of buying something that you can’t afford. If you are serious about your fitness then you will need a treadmill with added features, but these cost a lot of money, whereas if you are just starting your journey and are looking to lose a bit of weight, then one of the cheaper models will be the one for you. 

Ease of use

When you are in the middle of a sweaty workout, you need a machine that is easy to use, not one that will leave you scrabbling at the buttons, unsure of how to change the settings. Professionals at recommend that you look for a machine that has easy to use speed buttons as these will be the most used feature. You should also bear in mind the position of the screen so that it is ergonomic, and if you buy a model without a screen, does it have a ledge where you can easily place an iPad, for example, so that you have some entertainment whilst you are doing your exercise? What you are looking for is a machine with simple and easy to use settings, and a screen that is comfortable to use. 


As we previously discussed, buying a treadmill is an investment so you need to be purchasing something that is extremely durable, especially if it is going to see a lot of action. Think about the belt, check whether it is heavy-duty and before you buy, test the machine out by not only running on it but also by turning it up to full speed to see if it remains stable. If you place a phone on the tray will it stay there or be shaken off? The more movement the machine has, the more likely it is to break down after a short period, so this is a really important part of the buying process if you want to end up with a machine that will last you for years.

Safety features

If you are new to treadmills, they may take a bit of time to get used to, because running on a belt is very different from running on the road at first. For this reason, it is important that you buy a model that has sturdy safety rails so that you have something to grab hold of, should you stumble or find that the belt is moving too quickly for you. An additional safety feature is a ripcord that automatically shuts off the belt if you trip, which can be a real embarrassment saver because the belt itself can cause nasty friction burns if your bare skin slides along it. 

As we have learned there are several things that you have to bear in mind when you are considering which treadmill to purchase. Set a budget and don’t be tempted to deviate as some advanced treadmills can cost many thousands, and look for a machine that is easy to use and has tactile buttons and settings. You should also be looking for an extremely durable machine that doesn’t shake too much when at top speed, and look for safety features such as a sturdy handrail and an automatic shut off ripcord that could save your blushes if you fall. Enjoy your new fitness machine!

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