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Top Ways to Improve the Quality of Your Sleep

Sleep is one of those things that have a huge impact on our health. Sleep deprivation attracts a wide range of issues, from reduced productivity at work to emotional disorders, and chronic illnesses. Ensuring quality sleep every night can help boost your energy levels, mental performance, emotional health, and overall well being. In this piece, we will cover a few ways you can improve your sleep quality.

1. Have a Consistent Sleep Pattern 

The body has an “internal clock,” which raises the alarm when it is time to eat or sleep. As much as we may insist on having a schedule, there are times we go overboard, and we stay up late in the night. More often than not, you are likely to be less active the next day, because your body did not get the amount of rest it is used to. Inconsistencies in sleep time and wake time may also affect your ability to fall asleep when you need it most. To ensure quality sleep every night, consider having a consistent schedule of the time you go to bed and the time you wake up.

2. Get a Weighted Blanket 

One of the best ways to ensure you sleep better is to cozy up your sleeping environment and improve comfort in your bed. As per the sentiments of renowned reviewers Rachel Green and Wendy Rhodes, using a weighted blanket can help you achieve just that. The blanket exerts a certain level of pressure onto your body, which helps you relax and calm down into slumber mode. It helps with a wide range of issues that cause sleep problems, from anxiety to stress, ADHD, insomnia, and Restless Leg Syndrome, just to name a few. These blankets are definitely worth a try if you haven’t been getting a good night’s sleep lately.

3. Control Your Exposure to Light 

Between a room with a transparent curtain and another with an opaque curtain, which one are you likely to have a sound sleep? The heavy curtain room is more conducive. This is because, with exposure to light, the naturally occurring hormone melatonin may trick your brain to believe that it’s still daytime, thus keeping you awake. So during the night, avoid bright screens an hour or two to bedtime. That means no movies and chatting when it is almost bedtime. You can have dim lights just in case you need to obey the call of nature in the middle of the night. Bright light will disturb your sleep.

4. Workout During the Day 

Practically, you sleep better after a day full of activities compared to a day of lazing around in the house watching Netflix and chilling. That means that even if you have nothing to do during the day, engage in activities or exercises that will tear you down. The more vigorous you go on exercise, the deeper the sleep you get. Actually, low-impact and cardio exercises are great at promoting sleep. When done a few hours before bedtime, they help your mind and body relax in preparation for a good slumber.

5. Eat Smart 

Your daytime habits are related to your nighttime sleeping patterns. So if you have issues with your sleep, reflect on where you are going wrong during the day. First of all, limit the amount of caffeine and nicotine you take. They are both stimulants. Is there a need to dig further? Also, we tend to believe that eating much will give us better sleep. Wrong! Eat early, and avoid spicy foods. You may end up making endless trips to the washroom in the dark.

Taking alcohol and liquids, in general, will make you wake up to pee, which interferes with your sleeping cycle. Avoid sugary foods and carbs. Instead, consider investing in a turkey sandwich or nighttime snacks like cheese, yogurt, or a banana. They are known to promote sleep.

6. Ease Your Head 

Under the pressures of life, stress is inevitable, but regular stressing could cause insomnia. Your daytime emotions have an impact on how you sleep. Your emotions play a large part in your sleeping patterns. You can still be going through the fire, but you can handle the situation. Routines like relaxation techniques, a warm bath, listening to music, or even listening to a podcast can be relaxing rituals for your evening.

Finally, avoid over-stimulating your head. It would be best if you had a sober mind when retiring to bed. It may be challenging, but it is doable. Set out a specific time to catch up with a friend after work, but respect your bedtime.

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