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Top Tips On How To Play Restricted Online Games

Age restrictions, location restrictions, and parental blocks are all reasons why games might appear restricted. Thankfully, there are numerous ways of getting around these annoying restrictions. If you are going to bypass restrictions, make sure that you aren’t breaking the law. Some restrictions are in place to prevent minors from accessing adult content, while others are in place because governments have forbidden access to specific online content. If you bypass either of these, you are breaking the law and could in theory be punished.

This article will now explain how to play restricted online games:

Using VPNs

VPNs are perhaps the most effective way of bypassing restrictions. They are particularly effective when it comes to bypassing geo-restrictions, which are commonplace online nowadays. Popular games like Party Poker, for example, do not permit international players access. If you’re asking yourself what is the best VPN for Party Poker or for any other restricted game, then you have a few options. Out of all of them, Cyberghost is the most effective. Another advantage to VPNs is that they mask your identity, location, and IP address like This prevents you from being hacked, scammed, or having your data stolen by hackers.

Mobile Network

If you are using a mobile phone to play games but have noticed your service provider has introduced restrictions, you can easily remove these restrictions. All you need to do is to visit the provider’s website, access your personal portal, and remove age restrictions. It is commonplace for mobile service providers to impose restrictions upon new customers. If you aren’t the contract holder, then you can ask whoever is to do it for you. You should also be able to remove your age restrictions by phoning up the service provider and asking them to take it off, though they may need to see proof of your age.

Wi-Fi Network

Wi-Fi providers also regularly introduce age-related restrictions, just in case users of Wi-Fi networks are underaged. These restrictions can be changed the same way that mobile age-related restrictions can. If you aren’t the contract holder and they won’t remove the network’s age-related restrictions, then you can either switch to a mobile network or alternatively use a VPN. VPNs are very effective when used in combination with a Wi-Fi network because they will operate faster and more efficiently than they would if they were using a mobile network. This allows you to play your games without delays.

Download Games

If you frequently run into age-related restrictions, one of the best things to do is to just download the games and play them offline. Playing games offline removes any age-related blocks or restrictions. In addition, you cannot be banned due to your geographic location when you are playing offline. Buying hardcopies of games is perhaps the best idea because you can play offline and online. If you’re unable to buy a hard copy, then you can likely still download the game and play it offline through services like Steam and Amazon.

Age Adjustment

Oftentimes, websites will ask you to input your age when you first sign up for a game or access a website. Many people accidentally put the wrong age in, then find themselves unable to continue or regain access to the website. Simply navigate back to the page where you were asked to input your age if this happens and re-input your correct age. Most restrictions come in when you input an age that’s under 18. Make sure that you are honest when inputting your age. If you put a fake age in and are found out, you can get banned from the website or game permanently.

In addition, if you are found to be using a website that’s age-restricted and you are a minor, your parents can get into a lot of trouble too. They can even get arrested, depending on the severity of the content that you have been accessing.

Using Proxies

Before VPNs became commonplace, internet users used proxies to bypass age-related and geographic restrictions. While their use has fallen out of favor, they still exist. Proxies act as gateways, allowing you to bypass restrictions and browse the internet anonymously. They are available all over the internet; one needs only to search “proxy” on any of the major search engines to find them. Unfortunately though, if you do have age-related or geographic blocks on your Wi-Fi or mobile server, you will be unable to access proxy websites because they often fall under the age-restricted category. If this is the case, you will have no option but to use a VPN.

If you want to play geo-restricted or age-restricted video games, then you have many options. As this article has stressed throughout, never lie about your age in order to access restricted content. Only follow this article’s guidance if you are over 18.

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