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Top Beauty Products To Use Without Harming The Environment

Many people are starting to become more conscious about the environment and what products they use. Products that harm the environment, such as aerosol hairspray, can be replaced with less harmful ones, such as dry shampoo. Here is a list of some beauty products that don't have any negative impact on the Earth!

Look For Products With A Lower Environmental Impact

These might include products with recyclable packaging, biodegradable ingredients, and less plastic. Products with these qualities are usually more expensive but they will help you avoid any unnecessary damages to the environment, but they will save you money in the long run as well as keep your conscience at ease! You might consider these eco-friendly shampoo bars at Pacific Spirit as they have all the qualities you could be looking for in a shampoo bar. There’s a wide range of other products that are friendly to the environment and will help in taking care of your skin or hair. 

Use Products That Are Cruelty-free And Vegan-friendly

Products that are cruelty-free do not harm animals during the testing process. Products that are vegan-friendly have no animal byproducts or derivatives in them at all.  If you really love to shop, it can be tough knowing what's best for your skin and the planet! Try these products on for size.

Avoid Using Products That Contain Harmful Chemicals

Try using beauty products that work just as well or better than their conventional counterparts and don't contain harmful chemicals like parabens, sulfates, phthalates, or silicones which may potentially lead to cancer, and other health issues if used over long periods of time. Keep in mind though, many cosmetic companies get away by not labeling all of their ingredients, so it is a good idea to do your research beforehand and check the label before you purchase anything. Products that are labeled as being natural or organic don't necessarily mean they can be used without any concern either. If everything else fails, try making your own beauty products at home instead of buying over-priced ones from stores where who knows how long they have been sitting around behind other products.

Buy In Bulk To Reduce Packaging Waste

When you buy in bulk, it reduces your use of plastics and protects the planet. Plastic is one of the planet’s biggest pollutants. A lot of plastic isn't recyclable because there are not so many recycling facilities for certain types of plastic such as styrofoam. Buying items in bulk with no excess packaging will save resources and protect the environment by reducing landfill waste and pollution. It is smarter to bring reusable bags when purchasing more than one item at a time rather than using paper or plastic bags each time you make an order. 

Cut Down On Beauty Tools

Beauty tools like flat irons and blow dryers cause a lot of damage to the environment. Try minimizing their use by air-drying your hair more often or only using these appliances when you really need them. Products made with recycled materials are also available for purchase, so it is possible to have healthy locks without hurting the planet.

Use Hemp Instead Of Cotton For Makeup Removal And Cleansing Wipes

Products such as cotton wipes and cotton pads are not only made from a non-renewable resource but also require more than three times the amount of water to produce. Hemp products are naturally antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial. Which is perfect for cleansing your face without any fear of harming the environment.

Ditch The Disposable Razors - Opt For An Electric Razor Instead

The average woman will throw away about 200 disposable razors in her lifetime. Products made with recycled materials can be reused for up to four months before they need replacing. Not only this, but you will save money, electricity - even time! An electric razor takes less than 60 seconds to use whereas a disposable razor may take several minutes each day; adding hours over your lifetime. Electric shavers also last longer than disposable ones which means it is cheaper too! There won't be any environmental impact since all parts including the handle, blades, and cartridges are to last years rather than just a few months.

The best thing you can do for your health and the environment is to buy products that are cruelty-free, vegan-friendly, low-impact on the environment, and don’t contain any harmful chemicals. If this sounds like a lot of work or if it is too expensive to make these lifestyle changes all at once, start with one product category every month. 

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