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Top 6 Causes Of 18-Wheeler Crashes

Car crashes are definitely not desirable. They usually have negative outcomes, and even if they’re minor, they’re still a negative consequence. Truck crashes on the other hand are the most dangerous because they result in either severe injuries that may last a lifetime, or in most unfortunate cases, death. And because truck accidents lead to tremendous financial losses for both the driver, the company the driver works for, and insurance companies, the victim of the crash has no other option but to hire a fierce legal team to prove the damages are caused by a truck driver’s mistake. It is best to avoid the whole hassle, since no amount of money can compensate for permanent injuries or the death of a loved one.

To be able to avoid these accidents, you should learn about the top causes of truck crashes. Here are the 6 top causes for accidents caused by 18-wheeler trucks.

1. The Truck Driver Hasn’t Slept in Days

Even though there are laws that limit the number of hours a truck driver can spend driving on the road, many companies don’t abide by these laws and require their drivers to work for ridiculously long hours to make difficult deliveries. Because truck drivers want to keep their jobs and make deliveries on time, they end up driving on the road without even getting proper rest or sleep. This results in the driver either falling asleep or losing focus while driving, and that’s when accidents happen.

2. Truck Drivers Can Be Under Influences

To cope with the workload, truck drivers find things that may seem like solutions to their sleep deprivation issues, but they are far from being solutions at all. Truck drivers use alcohol and non medicinal drugs to stay awake. They may be awake, or at least seem awake, but obviously, the influence of these substances makes their vision unclear and their mind out of focus. According to an experienced professional truck accident lawyer in Dothan, studies have shown that about 90% of drivers drive under the influence of alcohol and illegal drugs. This is also one of the major reasons for many truck crashes that lead to the death or severe injuries to passenger car drivers and passengers as well.

3. Companies Neglect Truck Maintenance

Regular truck maintenance can take some time to do and this is why companies sometimes think of it as wasted time. Maintenance is regular for a reason and that reason is to make sure the trucks are working properly as they should be. It is for the safety of everyone on the road, which is why the company is responsible for accidents caused by any failure due to not properly maintaining the truck.

4. Speed Limits

The weight of 18-wheelers is around 30,000 pounds, while a normal car can weigh about 4,000 pounds. If a normal car exceeds the speeding limit, it is still dangerous but it is possible to avoid losing track of the car. For trucks as heavy as 18-wheelers, it is impossible to avoid crashing if the speeding limit is exceeded. Since truck drivers have deadlines and want to make deliveries on time, they may drive faster than they should to reach their destination.

5. Hiring Drivers Without Proper Training

A truck driver has to be extremely well trained to drive the truck in any condition, including bad weather conditions, slippery roads, heavy traffic, and more. Since the 18-wheelers are pretty challenging to handle, the possibility of crashing for an untrained driver is extremely high. Unfortunately, some companies hire drivers without training them or making sure they have had the proper training, resulting in more truck crashes that cause catastrophic or fatal injuries.

6. Improper Cargo Loading

Loading the truck cargo has to be done with perfect care to balance the weight of the items and the truck. When the items are not loaded properly, they may either fall off causing serious accidents or the truck will lose balance and crash into other cars. This is usually the company’s fault rather than the driver’s, but either way, the results are tragic.

Road safety is not to be taken lightly. Many people lose their lives every day because of irresponsible drivers. A big percentage of these accidents are caused by trucks. Because trucks are quite huge, the driver is way above the ground, and driving trucks need ultimate training and experience, safety measures should be a high priority for both companies and truck drivers. Ignoring road safety from either party puts more people in danger than anyone would like to. Safety is more important than making deliveries on time, which is why it should be the number one priority for everyone.

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