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To Have For Your Home During Emergencies

Emergencies can strike at any time, so you need to be prepared. You have to make sure your home is ready to handle any kind of major situation that can strike so you and your family will be safe and ready for anything that comes your way.

Preparing for an emergency is not difficult, and there are plenty of supplies you can stock up on. This is the easiest part of emergency prepping because you don’t need survival skills to compile a good kit of emergency goods. Here are some important items you need to have in your home if an emergency happens.

First-Aid Kit

This one is a no-brainer, and most homes have one anyway. A good first aid kit requires very little to make it useful. You should have bandages, gauze wrap, athletic tape, polysporin, antibacterial spray, stitches, eye dressing, safety pins, tweezers, rubbing alcohol, over-the-counter painkillers, and creams for antiseptic purposes or rashes. As you can see, there is a lot to include, but it is all easy to find and easy to include in your first-aid kit.


A generator is a great way to be able to stay powered for your devices to reach out for help or make sure you can keep lights on. If you look at, not all generators are just for home use, you can find many that are portable, so if you need to be on the move, you can do just that. Having an extra power source can come in handy for a wide variety of emergencies. One of the most valuable things you might need is electricity, so make sure you have a generator stored at home. 

Extra Food and Water Supply 

Food and water are of the utmost importance when it comes to things you will need during an emergency. You can only survive for roughly 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food, and you may not know when things will be back to normal during an emergency. You need non-perishables like canned goods, rice, crackers, granola, oatmeal, anything that will not go bad quickly. These, along with a good supply of water bottles or jugs, will make sure you are safe. It is also good to invest in iodine pills or some kind of water filtration device.

Home Defense

You shouldn’t get a weapon or something for home defense unless you are licensed to own one, it is legal, and you are comfortable and trained to use it. If you are going to get something for home defense, you should make sure it makes sense. Some people have baseball bats just in case, and some people have firearms. It may also be useful to learn how to use a bow properly. The most important thing to remember is that you need to treat it seriously and be safe.


A simple flashlight can help you navigate in the dark if your power goes out and you don’t have a generator. There are plenty of quality flashlights for emergencies, and it is also advised you have a good amount of batteries or the ability to recharge it. Hand-crank flashlights are good for that but might not be as powerful as battery-operated flashlights. 


Tool-kits are another thing you might have in your home already. If you have a garage or tool shed, you should double-check what you have in it. You want pliers, a wrench, screwdrivers, a ratchet set, and any other kind of non-powered hand tools. If you need to shut off your utilities during a floor, then these tools would come in handy. They can be cheap and can come in handy.


If you need to alert someone to your location, say if you were trapped, a whistle is something to purchase. The whistle is the cheapest tool on this list and only costs a dollar or so, which makes it the simplest thing to include in your emergency kit. If you need something more heavy-duty, you can always purchase a flare gun.

Satellite Phone

Lastly, in the case of a total emergency where your phones do not work, and you have no way of conventional communication, a satellite phone can be a useful tool for serious problems. Satellite phones are not cheap, but they can save your life. They may even offer a lot of value if they offer GPS mapping for those that like to hike or camp.

Being prepared in case of emergency can save your life. This list shows you some important items to keep in your home in case an emergency strikes.

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