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Tips On The Proper Placement Of Water Fountains At Home

Water fountains are a great accessory to include in your home because of their several benefits and aesthetics.

Although the design, size, and type of your chosen water fountain play a massive role in its overall appeal, it is also a factor for its installation in your home.

What makes a perfect spot?

There are tons of potential areas where you could install your new home accessory, but some would like to get their indoor water fountain ideas from the rules of Vastu Shastra.

The Vastu is a traditional architecture system that originated in India, where it described the principles of spatial geometry, design, measurements, layout, arrangement of space, and ground preparation. This system incorporated both the Buddhist and Hindu beliefs, closely similar to the Chinese people's Feng Shui.

According to the Vastu, flowing water symbolizes the abundance of love, money, and happiness, so keeping one in your home is suggested if you're after luck and positivity.

Although the Vastu is quite strict with the placement of water fountains, for them, the location of where you installed the material plays a significant role in its impact on the home owner's life.

Follow the Northeast direction.

The Vastu recommends that a water fountain be placed in this area since the Northeast zone is correlated with intuition, foresight, meditation, wisdom, inspiration, and vision.

It is said that space provides inner strength during worship, which helps people to succeed and inspire their growth as human beings. Moreover, it clarifies thought while aiding with the spiritual journey to visualize the right path for themselves.

The homeowner must never install their water fountain in the west or southwest direction as this opposite to the original order of water. In this way, the person invites problems into their house that could eventually affect all family members.

Install it near the entrance.

The main entrance is a vital section of your home, and the Vastu appreciates this location so much that the system dictates that the water fountain must be placed near the main entrance.

Since water embodies purity, followers of the Vastu system believe that putting a fountain at the entrance hinders negative energies from entering their home. Thus, only luck and other good things would be received by the homeowners.

A few reminders

The Vastu system has also described a couple of "don'ts" when it comes to water fountains so that homeowners wouldn't have to suffer loss or lousy luck throughout the existence of this accessory in their house.

#1 Avoid placing it in the center

Typically, the middle section of our home is a great place to install some accessories, as this highlights the entirety of your home's design and compliments the current changes that have been made in the house.

Yet, in Vastu, it's unlucky to install a water fountain in the center as they believe that it bars "luck" from reaching their full potential that'll serve the homeowners.

#2 Don't put in the bedroom

Although water fountains could be relaxing, the Vastu strongly disagrees with the idea of installing one in your bedroom since it harms your relationships, especially with your spouse who's sleeping next to you.

Vastu experts even warned people from keeping a water fountain poster because of the same reason.

#3 Don't turn it off

The water fountain symbolizes wealth, and for the Vastu, turning it off could lead to economic or financial loss that could lead the family to an unfavorable situation, such as losing a job or being in debt.

On the other hand, running water could attract money to you. Hence, you'll enjoy the benefits of financial stability for a long time.

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