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Tips for Selling a Distressed Property Fast

Selling a distressed property quickly isn't easy, regardless of whether it's a short sale, foreclosure, or needs repairs. While the sale comes with many uncertainties, implementing the right tactics can help you find quality buyers and sell the property in no time. Outlined below are five tips for selling a distressed property fast.

1. Accept a cash offer

It's nearly impossible for distressed houses to qualify for a mortgage unless you're ready to complete the necessary repairs and upgrades. If you feel that renovating the property won't make financial sense or don't have the finances to sponsor repairs, selling it to a reliable cash home buyer is among the best ways to get your distressed property off the market. Accepting a cash offer on your house means you can sell it as-is. This implies that you don't have to do any repairs/ renovations to sell the property fast.

Cash home buyers, including, usually buy homes in their current condition, no matter how distressed they are. They then renovate and sell them to make a profit. When it comes to accepting a cash offer on your property, the sale closing process is fast because no renovations, marketing, staging, or listing is involved.

2. Price it right

Setting the right price is crucial for anyone looking to sell their distressed property quickly. Pricing it too high can result in the property staying longer in the market, while extremely low pricing can cause you to lose out on possible profit. Determining the appropriate price when selling a distressed property should be your priority. You can achieve this by completing a market analysis, which includes researching the values of properties like yours within your locality.

You can collect this valuable information with the help of online resources like real estate databases or websites. Upon collecting the necessary information, reviewing it can help you learn how similar properties are priced. This will provide you with a baseline on how to price yours. Note that pricing your distressed property competitively will help you attract prospective buyers.

3. Complete the necessary repairs

Selling a distressed property without completing the necessary repairs means it will remain on the market longer. However, suppose you want to expedite the sale. In that case, it's important to identify the renovations that can make the house more appealing to buyers while getting you the best return on investment. You can hire a professional inspector to help you determine what needs fixing. Once you’re done with repairs, list the property showcasing its best features to ensure a quick sale.

4. Partner with a trusted real estate agent

Considering how challenging selling a distressed property can be, hiring the right real estate agent is your best bet to getting it sold faster. These professionals understand the real estate market and have a network and other resources that can help them find quality buyers sooner. While you'll have to pay a portion of the sale proceeds based on your agreement, they'll save you more effort and time than you would doing it yourself.

5. Stage the property

How you present your distressed property to prospective buyers plays a vital role in determining how quickly it sells. When preparing the house for staging, consider decluttering, deep cleaning, organizing, and enhancing curb appeal before viewings to create a great first impression. This will boost the possibility of the property selling quickly.


Selling a distressed home is challenging. However, implementing these tips can help sell the property faster.

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