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Tips For Hosting Airbnb Guests

If you’ve got a property in an in-demand area that receives plenty of tourists, then you may consider listing the property (or a room within the property…) on Airbnb. This is a great way to earn income, meet people from around the world, and all around put your property to good use. However, it’s important to remember that you can’t just list a place and expect to collect the cash without putting in any work. In this blog, we’re going to run through some useful tips that’ll ensure your Airbnb experience is nothing but positive.

Be Honest 

You’ll hope that people make bookings to stay at your Airbnb property. But your eagerness to receive bookings should make you act in a dishonest way. All too often, property owners embellish the quality of their home -- or use camera tricks -- to make their properties seem more luxurious than they are. This will help you to get more bookings, but if you’ve been excessive in your embellishments, then it’ll also get you plenty of negative reviews. It’s much easier to be honest. If someone books your place, they should get what they expect.

Don’t Be Too Demanding

You’ll have a vested interest in maintaining the quality of your property. But you should also remember that your guests will be on vacation, and thus, their first priority is to have a good time. As such, it’s best not to be too demanding, especially if you’re charging a lot of money. Expecting your guests to keep your place clean is one thing; expecting them to keep it spotless is another thing. There’ll always be some noise, too, so don’t ask the volume to be kept at non-existent levels, either. It’s all about being reasonable. 

Efficient Systems 

You’ll make things much easier for yourself and your guests if you put systems in place that lead to efficient processes. For example, the check-in/out process, how you’ll clean the place, things like that. For check-in/out, flexibility is key. Your guests should be able to easily pick up the keys regardless of what time they arrive. For the cleaning, use an Airbnb cleaning checklist -- that’ll ensure that the property is in tip-top condition for when the next guest arrives. By investing in your operations, you’ll keep your stress levels to a minimum, and that’ll help you to be your charming self when interacting with your visitors.

Make Yourself Available

Everyone’s different. While you may have written extensive instructions for your guests, it’s likely that you’ll miss something and that from time to time, your guests will have a question. As such, it’s vitally important to become a super host, that you make yourself available during the length of your guest’s stay.. Of course, it’s reasonable that you’ll be unavailable sometimes, but if you’re not checking your phone during daylight hours, then your guests may have a bad experience. Running an Airbnb property isn’t the same as running a hotel, but it’s not a million miles off -- you need to make sure that your guests are happy. 

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