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The Right Practices: Looking After Your Oral Health

We all know the importance of staying active because we see the results instantly, but when it comes to something like our oral health, there can be times when we need to think about everything beyond the teeth. Gum health and the health of our tongue are things that we may not necessarily hold in the same regard as our teeth. But what can we do to make sure that we are looking after our overall oral health?

Regular Dental Checks

Simple but after all, it's the professionals that can spot the potentials for inflamed gums or even the early signs of mouth cancer. Specialists like the Lucas Orthodontic Group can help you to identify areas of how you're brushing your teeth or flossing that you may not be so good at. Sometimes, we can very easily get into a bad habit when it comes to flossing. Even when it comes to brushing our teeth, we might not be getting into the habit of flicking the plaque away from the teeth when we’re actually just brushing the plaque back into our teeth. It's always a good idea to ensure you are undertaking the right practices but also doing them properly.

Understanding What Is and Isn’t Acidic

We need to avoid sugary or acidic drinks because they can cause poor gum health or tooth decay, but sometimes understanding what is considered acidic may prove more difficult. But there are plenty of resources that highlight what is too acidic. It is important to note there is a difference between foods with acidic pH and acid-forming foods. When it comes to acidic foods, culprit number one is soft drinks. They are full of phosphoric acid, which has adverse health effects and can cause decreased bone mineral density, as well as have a negative impact on your pearly white teeth!

Quit Smoking

Smoking is associated with the onset of gum disease. If you ever have a gum infection and you struggle to fight it off, it could be down to the fact that you are a smoker. Smoking weakens your immune system which makes it more difficult for any part of your body to heal, including your guns. Smoking also increases your risk of mouth cancer. Drinking alcohol is also another culprit in terms of mouth cancer. Of course, we all know how unhealthy alcohol is, but it's about making sure that we consume it within our regular limits. If we need to consume alcohol, it's best to offset any of the negative impacts on our teeth, gums, and tongue by drinking water afterward.


By flossing, you are removing the particles that your toothbrush cannot get to. It is said that food particles that you cannot remove from brushing can get into the bloodstream, which may cause health issues later on in life. By flossing, you are getting rid of these particles that may have the potential to cause health problems like heart disease.

Simple but extremely effective, looking after your oral health is about the right practices in life.

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