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The Pros and Cons of Selling a House As-Is

From avoiding repair costs to getting out of long-winded negotiations, an as-is sale might seem like the way to go. But yet, there are downsides to taking what appears to be "Easy Street" such as targeting a smaller buyer pool and receiving lowball offers. Curious as to whether selling your home in as-is condition is the right decision? You'll have your answer in mere moments!

The Pros of Selling Your House As-Is

There's no denying the advantages of an as-is sale. Selling a home as-is makes sense in multiple different scenarios. For example, if you’re dealing with bad tenants and need to sell your rental property, it may be easier to pursue an as-is sale. Tenants have the potential to completely tear up a property, leaving you with expensive maintenance costs to pay. You can check out this resource for tips on how to sell a house with tenants. Why else do homeowners want to sell a home in as-is condition? Here are several additional benefits that are difficult to argue:

  • Zero repair costs — We don't have to tell you the expenses you'll incur by completing renovations. If you don't have the money to cover the costs, selling your home as-is relieves that burden. Of course, your home needs to be habitable so buyers can receive a mortgage. A working kitchen, durable floors, and intact walls are the bare minimum.

  • Avoids stress — Can't deal with any selling-related issues due to poor health or similar crises? While you could ask a family member or friend to step in and help, the as-is option is always there. Although, some realtors are more than happy to cope with the stressful parts of home selling, including showings.

  • Ends long-winded negotiations — As we're sure you know, negotiations can get tiring. You can offer an as-is sale to speed things up without worrying about contending with a repair list following the inspection. 

  • Relieves financial pressure — Life loves to throw us curveballs, causing financial distress at any moment. In times of hardship, selling your house as-is can boost cash flow quickly without waiting months for the perfect buyer.

The Cons of Selling Your House As-Is

By now you can probably guess that selling your home as-is comes with drawbacks. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Although the benefits of selling a property as-is make a solid argument, there are cons that come with it as well. This real estate selling strategy is not known as the traditional model. With that, you usually make sacrifices on things like price. Here are several cons to consider when trying to sell a house as-is:

  • Lowball offers — Buyers assume you're desperate to sell regardless of the price, thus reducing their offers. Don't expect to get close to its market value. And if you're already receiving low offers, they'll only worsen the longer your home sits on the market.

  • Buyers walking away — With as-is contracts, buyers are given time to cancel. So, they could conduct a home inspection, see if it needs too much work, and walk away from the deal, leaving you in the lurch.

  • Shallower interest pool — You'll soon discover your home won't receive as much attention when trying to sell it as-is. Most buyers don't want to splash the cash on necessary repairs as soon as they move in.

Should You Sell Your Home As-Is?

Frankly, other selling routes tend to be preferable as the severity of the cons involved can lead to receiving far too little for your home. That said, as-is sales can be beneficial if you're in serious financial distress because you won't have to fork out money for repairs. Keep in mind that your house may end up on the market for months, wasting your time and money in the long run. Review your situation and identify your priorities. Do you need a faster home sale or a higher price? For most homeowners, it’s somewhere in the middle. Each person’s situation is different. Determine what makes the most sense for you when considering selling a house as-is.

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