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The Most Affordable Neighborhoods in NYC

NYC is renowned for being one of the most expensive cities to live in globally, meaning it doesn’t seem like a viable option for a large number of people. Despite this, NYC is the city of dreams for so many individuals; those who want to crack Broadway, those who want to excel in the fashion sector, and those who want to dominate Wall Street. As a result, those who live outside of the city endlessly scour through potential methods in which they could make a life in NYC work. A residential trailer? Cramping into a studio apartment with a roommate? Moving to the outskirts and facing a hellish commute? Each option seems trickier to manage than the next, which is why the following article provides a breakdown of the most affordable neighborhoods that NYC has to offer. 

Brooklyn: Coney Island/Brighton Beach

Due to the fame of Coney Island, you’d be forgiven for thinking that property in this area is far from affordable. Despite this, the neighboring historical communities of Coney Island and Brighton Beach provide a smorgasbord of affordable homes in Brooklyn, all without sacrificing the style of such. Not only does the property sit among the most affordable in all of NYC, but it also provides residents with the perfect location to stroll along the beach on summery days. Units in the area can sell for as little as $300,000, which really isn’t much in comparison to the standard perception of NYC property. 

Queens: Hamilton Beach

Along Jamaica Bay’s shores and to the west of John F. Kennedy Airport sits Hamilton Beach, which acts as an affordable spot in the heart of Queens borough. Just south of 160th Avenue sits a compact community that promises a more relaxed setting than the typical hustle and bustle of NYC. In fact, the area comprises many dead-end streets, which is certainly a rarity for the city. Even detached houses in the area can sell for as little as $500,000; although this sounds like a lot, in terms of NYC real estate, it’s really quite affordable. 

The Bronx: City Island

The Bronx doesn’t have the best reputation as far as NYC goes, but City Island is one of the most pleasant areas in the location. In fact, there are various family houses in the space, which is certainly a rarity when compared to the rest of the city. For instance, on City Island, you’ll find condos, Victorian houses, cottages, bungalows, and much more. Some of the smaller properties can be purchased for as little as $200,000, with some of the more affordable detached properties being around $500,000. In a city with such real estate prices, these costs are considered relatively manageable. 

Manhattan: Murray Hill

Manhattan is renowned for sitting among the most luxurious areas of NYC, meaning most people consider the region a write-off unless they’re vastly wealthy. Despite this, there are a couple of areas in Manhattan that can be considered affordable. For instance, Murray Hill provides condos for as little as $200,000, and it even acts as a residential haven amongst the hustle and bustle of Manhattan. 

Manhattan: Upper Manhattan 

Last but certainly not least is Upper Manhattan, which is where the Columbia University Campus is situated. Being somewhat of a student area, condos can be purchased from anywhere between $300,000 and $400,000. What’s more, in neighborhoods such as Manhattanville, Hamilton Heights, and Inwood, some properties are available for as low as $150,000. Both Manhattan areas are ideal for those who want to live in a luxurious area of NYC without the elevated price tag.

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