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The Bitter Truth: 4 Facts About Homeownership You Don't Know

What are the benefits of homeownership? What are the drawbacks? The answer is not so simple. While it has many perks, homeownership also comes with some downsides that can be difficult to see at first glance. 

Sure, it's cheaper than renting, but that doesn't mean it will be affordable in the long run. Even so, buying a home has significant advantages you should not miss. So, if you are in the quest to buy a home, be sure to check out Kelly Johnson Real Estate for services that will meet your needs. 

With that said, in this blog post, you will discover four facts about homeownership you might not know about—and what they mean for your future!

Your Monthly Payments Exceed Your Mortgage 

If you are a first-time homebuyer, the cost of buying your place can look prohibitive. One thing that might make it more affordable is if your monthly payments never exceed the amount of mortgage you owe. 

However, suppose they do (which is likely). In that case, there's not much point in making those high monthly payments because most of them will go towards interest on what you still owe and won't pay down anything on your actual loan balance or principal; you'll end up paying more and taking longer to pay off your loan.

The highest number of months that payment exceeds the mortgage balance is 12 out of 24 or 50% of months! That means that if you're not careful with making those monthly payments, you might be throwing away money month after month without any progress on actually paying down your principal (or what you owe).

You Are Your Landlord

Homeownership is a privilege, not a right. It comes with both privileges and responsibilities. So, when you own your home, it's up to you to maintain the property so that you can reap its benefits for years to come. 

It also means being responsible for all things related to owning and living in your space. There are repairs and maintenance costs, utility bills, insurance coverage, lawn care services or landscapers if needed, snow removal during winter months, trash disposal fees from pick-up schedules, and the list goes on!

Owning a home is not just about buying a place to live; it's about committing to investing in that property and taking on all responsibilities for its upkeep—to make it your own! 

Furniture Costs Might Exceed Expectations

Furniture costs to furnish your new home can easily exceed the budget allocated for them, so it's worth spending time estimating how much you need before picking out furniture and making purchases. 

These prices may not be known upfront for example, the cost of installing flooring. Ultimately, if do-it-yourself projects are in store for some aspects of furnishing your home, you will also have to factor these expenses into household budgets.

Know the Property Value and Development Plans of the Area

If you want to live in an area with high property values, it may mean that the neighborhood is coming up, and more development will be happening soon. If your goal is stability, then this might not be what you are looking for. 

You should also know how much the average person spends on their mortgages every month so that you can plan accordingly. This information can help ease some of the sticker shocks when taking out loans or signing contracts because now they have a better understanding of what they need to pay each month.

The bottom line is that homeownership has both benefits and drawbacks. It's up to you to decide what works best for your financial situation.

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