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The Best Ways to Exfoliate Your Skin

Ah, one of the best parts of any skincare routine is the exfoliation part. There is something so satisfying about rubbing away all the dead skin and having your pores feel fresh and reinvigorated.

The benefits of exfoliating are numerous when done so properly.. It will help get rid of those unwanted dead skin cells, bring out a better skin complexion and even prevent future breakouts.

But we want to emphasize the above phrase, ‘when done so properly. By this, we mean that you are using the right exfoliation products and using the best techniques. So how do you know if you are going about exfoliating your skin the correct way? Well, we want your skin to shine, so we’ve rounded up the best ways to exfoliate your skin so that you can perfect this part of your daily skincare routine.

Exfoliate Naturally, But With a Little Push

Did you know that our skin is actually designed to naturally exfoliate? Our dead skin cells will eventually fall off our skin when the natural process is ready. But there is a little twist, as there are numerous factors that prevent the all-natural exfoliation from occurring. This ranges from our hormones, exposure to the sun or even being vitamin deficient. So while you can let your skin exfoliate the natural way, it is best to give it a little push.

Not All Skin Should Be Exfoliated

While exfoliation is certainly an important step in any routine, it is important to remember that you need to consider your own unique skin’s current status and your skincare goals. For example, if you took measures to exfoliate your skin but were currently suffering from acne or rosacea, it would not do your skin any favors at all. In fact, it would likely cause more skin irritation. So stop before you exfoliate and make sure that your skin is ready for this step in the process. Otherwise, go ahead and give it a miss for now.

Go For Natural Ingredients

You will want to ensure that your skin is being exfoliated with the very best ingredients around, meaning that they should be using the perfect blend of natural ingredients that enhance health as well as getting rid of those unwanted dead skin cells. Generally, this will include fruit enzymes, sugar and even amino and lactic acids. And it should always be vegan and cruelty-free!

Light Pressure Always

One of the key things people get wrong when enacting the exfoliation phase of their skincare routine is pressing down too hard on their skin. You should always rub gently and softly, as our skin is extremely delicate and sensitive. In fact, if you are using a brush then you should be going so light that the bristles never bend. So take it nice and easy when it comes to the pressure levels.

Mask It Up

For a fail-safe way to exfoliate, go for an exfoliating face mask that is full of all the ingredients needed. The reason this is one of the best options is that there is no scrubbing or rubbing required on your part. Instead, the mask will let your skin absorb all the ingredients and then when you peel it off after 15-20 minutes, take all the dead skin cells with it. Best of all, your face will be left feeling moisturized after the exfoliation process too.

It’s About Quality Over Quantity

Just like anything in life, the best way to exfoliate is to do so in a quality way, rather than all the time. While there is something addicting about the way your skin feels after a great exfoliation, you should wait before doing it again. If you exfoliate your skin too much, then you can actually cause harm to your skin. Depending on the product you use, try to exfoliate every other day or even just once a week—it all comes down to your

Try Different Techniques

You will never know if you don’t try! That is why you should try these tips and tricks for your exfoliation at least once. What will work for one person may not necessarily work for another. And there may actually be a balance of exfoliation techniques that work best for your skin. Just take note of the results of how your skin feels immediately after and a few hours after, as that will be your best gauge on if it is working for you or not.

Exfoliating is one of the most pleasurable parts of the skincare routine. What tips and tricks will your incorporate when doing it next?

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