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The Best Tips To Keep Your Heart Healthy

Heart health is very important if you want to maintain your health into later life. Taking good care of your heart helps you to stay fit and active, and reduces the risk of lots of heart-related health conditions, from heart attacks to high blood pressure. Here are the best tips to keep your heart healthy.

Stop Smoking

There are lots of things that you can do to protect your health and the health of your blood vessels. Staying away from tobacco is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Smoking is one of the biggest controllable risk factors for heart disease. If you smoke, you ought to quit, for your heart and your overall health too. 

Focus On Your Middle

Excess belly fat has been linked to high blood pressure, unhealthy blood lipid levels, and other heart conditions like congestive heart failure. If you have some extra fat around your middle, now is the time to slim down. Aim to eat fewer calories and exercise more. 

Get Under The Sheets

Sex can be good for your heart. Sexual activity could help to lower your blood pressure, and your risk of heart disease, according to research in the American Journal of Cardiology

Knit A Scarf

Keeping your hands occupied can help your mind to relax. Activities like knitting, sewing, and crocheting can help to ease feelings of stress, and do your heart some good. Other relaxing hobbies like working on jigsaw puzzles, woodworking, or cooking can also help on stressful days. 

Eat Salsa and Beans

When eaten with fresh vegetables or low-fat chips, salsa is a tasty snack that is rich in antioxidants. Try mixing in a can of black beans with your salsa, to add another boost of heart-healthy fiber. A diet that is rich in soluble fiber can help to lower your level of low-density lipoprotein, sometimes known as bad cholesterol. Other good sources of soluble fiber include oats, barley, apples, pears, and avocados. 


Whatever your taste in music, dancing is a good workout which is great for your heart. Like other kinds of aerobic exercise, dancing raises your heart rate and gets your lungs working. It can also burn up to 200 calories or more per hour. Dancing is a good way to keep active, and fun too. 

Eat More Fish

You can ward off heart disease with a diet that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. A lot of fish, including salmon, tuna, sardines, and herring, are all great sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Try to eat fish at least twice a week for the best health boost. If you’re worried about mercury or other contaminants in the fish that you eat, you will be pleased to know that the heart-healthy benefits outweigh the risks for most people. 


Laugh out loud as much as you can. Watch a movie that makes you laugh, tell jokes with friends, or read a funny book. Laughter is good for your mental health, but it could be good for your heart too. Laughing lowers your levels of stress hormones, decreases inflammation in the arteries, and raises your levels of high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol). 


Yoga helps to improve your balance, flexibility, and strength. It can also help you to relax and relieve your stress levels. Yoga could also improve the health of your heart. According to some experts, yoga could reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Raise A Glass

Moderate consumption of alcohol is nothing to worry about, and in fact, it can help to raise your levels of HDL, or good cholesterol. It can also help to prevent blood clots from forming or arteries from getting damaged. According to some, red wine has the most benefits for your heart. However, this isn’t a free pass to get drunk all the time. You should only drink in moderation. Too much alcohol will have the opposite effect on your health. 

Skip The Salt

If the average person reduced their salt intake to just half a teaspoon every day, it would significantly reduce their risk of coronary heart disease. Salt is one of the leading causes of the rise in healthcare costs in the US. Processed and restaurant foods are high in salt, so think twice before eating out, buying fast food, or eating processed foods. Cook for yourself more often, so you can control how much salt you eat. You could try a salt substitute if you have high blood pressure.

Move More

No matter what your weight is, sitting for a long period of time, such as at your desk at work, could shorten your lifespan. If you work at a desk or spend a lot of time on the sofa, this will have a negative effect on your blood fats and blood sugar. Try to find more ways to move, such as taking a walk during your lunch break, and getting some regular exercise when you’re not at work. 

Know Your Numbers

It’s important for good heart health to keep your blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides in check. Learn what the optimal levels for your sex and your age group are. Find out what your numbers are and take steps to keep them in a healthy range. Schedule regular check-ups with your doctor. To make these appointments more productive, keep good records of your own vitals and lab numbers, and take them with you. 

Eat Chocolate

Dark chocolate tastes good, and it contains lots of heart-healthy flavonoids. These compounds in the chocolate help to reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease. If you eat it in moderation, dark chocolate, not oversweetened milk chocolate, can be good for you. If you have a sweet tooth, reach for a couple of squares of dark chocolate instead of other treats for a sweet treat that could do you good. 

Do Housework

Chores can help you to get moving. They can give your heart a workout and burn some calories. Put on some music and get through your chores. 

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