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The 5 Real Ways We Should Use AI to Enrich Our Lives

AI tools are so omnipresent that we can rely on them to do so much, from little answers to basic questions to research, and can even help change your real estate business! ChatGPT and similar tools can seem like the genie we’ve always wanted, but rather than it being a parlour trick, we can use AI to enrich our lives in various ways. Here’s what’s worth bearing in mind…

Aiding Your Personal Development

AI tools in general can provide a number of invaluable resources to help you with your personal development. You can ask tools like ChatGPT for insights and actionable strategies to help you stay informed about emerging trends in your field. This is something that has been put to the test countless times; for example, there have been many instances where people have used AI to pick certain stocks and shares, as well as to learn to understand the best chatbot for website owners. 

The latter point is particularly notable because of the fact that you need to create something that interacts with a human on a level that can actually be useful. Chatbots are gaining traction in so many different ways and, of course, something like ChatGPT is the most advanced version of a chatbot, but we can benefit from how chatbots aid a conversation. When you are looking to develop something, whether it's a business or your own personal development, you can identify various approaches that help it become that vital sounding board. 

Of course, it's all about the prompting with tools like ChatGPT or Perplexity (a tool that’s like Google on steroids!). Much like a counsellor, you can ask it to give you reflective questions and prompts, and this is something that has transformed the relationship between man and machine over the last couple of years. Many people make the mistake of thinking that a tool like ChatGPT only has a limited selection of answers, and yes, it depends on the current version you are using, but what we need to remember about AI tools is that if you recognise that you only have one perspective, AI can provide a number of different ones.

To Manage Your Time

AI tools have been an excellent resource for people who struggle to concentrate. People with ADHD have found AI tools to be very useful in helping them organise their day. We have to remember that managing our time is about working smart rather than working harder. Therefore, if you use something like your preferred AI prompting tool, you can start to articulate goals that ensure you stay focused and productive. 

The way it used to be, we would have to go and take a deep dive into the internet and find time management tools, whether it's the Pomodoro technique or setting SMART goals. Now we can say to an AI tool that we don't know any particular time management tools, and you can then put in a number of symptoms that you experience with regards to time management, and it can give you that structure that can make all of the difference. ChatGPT is something that assists people in prioritising their to-do lists based on importance and urgency, meaning we can focus on what matters most. 

Additionally, if you struggle with procrastination, AI tools can offer strategies and tips to combat this, but also if you provide it with details of your current schedule, it can suggest improvements or adjustments to optimise your time management. People who have ADHD have a number of AI apps that are arguably better than ChatGPT because ChatGPT can't set reminders. An app like OmniSets works to create custom reminders and to-do lists, but it also studies how you work so it can determine the optimal prompts for your needs. 

It is even more vital to gain control of our time and enhance our productivity, which is why AI is absolutely pivotal these days. We need to improve our work-life balance, so when we start leveraging AI in this tangible way, it can ensure you gain a far more invaluable sense of perspective.

A Sounding Board

AI tools can be effective sounding boards because if you are someone who predominantly works by yourself or you feel you're not getting the stimulation where you need it, AI tools like ChatGPT and others can give you various contexts and feedback on concepts. AI is being leveraged in the world of therapy as well; has become a very popular AI therapist, providing support for emotional difficulties because it allows users to engage in conversations that help them to process feelings and thoughts. 

One of the big criticisms of AI is the sense of bias it had previously been thought was built into it, but now because of greater rules and regulations, it's becoming a far more non-judgmental resource. Because so many of us benefit from processing our thoughts but seldom have the opportunity or the finances to access a counsellor, that opportunity of sharing your problems with a non-judgemental sounding board can offer a sense of catharsis. 

There are other chatbots, such as Limbic Access, which assist people in self-referring for psychological help and have shown great effectiveness in increasing referrals, particularly among minority groups. This is a major thing to take note of because if we're engaging with someone who takes the role of coach, mentor, or counsellor, we may have to navigate their sense of unconscious bias, which is something that doesn't exist in these AI tools. 

Minority groups can feel that their problems are not necessarily as important, which is, of course, completely unfair. This is why tools like Limbic Access aim to streamline access to mental health services, reducing the burden on these providers but also ensuring everybody has an outlet for their thoughts and feelings.

To Understand the Incomprehensible

If there's one thing that AI tools like ChatGPT have been perfect for, it's giving people a greater sense of understanding of complex or difficult topics. We all learn in different ways, and we've grown up potentially in a schooling system that wasn't built to aid our learning style. For complex processes or theories, ChatGPT is an amazing resource because it provides step-by-step explanations to guide you through the topic. It can provide historical, cultural, and scientific context to help you better understand the broader implications of a specific concept, but you could also ask follow-up questions or request any clarification on specific points. 

The one place that AI tools like ChatGPT fall down as it stands is in the visual department. You may be a visual learner; however, you can state this in your prompting, and based on your lack of understanding of a subject, you can ask it to adjust its explanations to match your current comprehension, and it can gradually increase complexity as you grasp those basics. Some people can spend years trying to learn a language, and although ChatGPT is not there with regards to reading things out loud in a foreign language, if you have a bare basic understanding, ChatGPT and other AI tools can give you an excellent starting point.

Real Relationship Building

It may seem like a contradiction in terms, but in professional and personal contexts, ChatGPT can help you to engage others and foster support. As the tool expands in scope, this will give many people a far better understanding of what their current skill set is. Yes, it may seem like a silly way to learn how to build relationships with people, but this is where so many are misunderstanding what AI tools can bring. 

It's a prompt machine after all, and therefore it can develop certain strategies for you and can simulate certain conversations or practice responses for upcoming networking events or difficult discussions. But it's one of those tools that the more you input into it, the better the quality results. Lots of people fail to grasp this concept, and while it will never fully replace human conversation, we must remember that for people who experience social anxiety or struggle with icebreakers, this type of tool can help people to prepare themselves.

Is AI a Cure-All for Society’s Woes?

It’s vital to remember that, for all the things AI tools can do, it is ultimately a starting point, and it can be relied on too much. Some people use tools like ChatGPT as a parlour trick, creating certain results for questions or attempting to outsmart these AI tools. 

They are ultimately quite primitive in comparison to the human brain, but what we always need to remember is that ChatGPT and AI tools are excellent translators of certain concepts and are a filter for the internet. Arguably, so many of us are abusing the internet or misusing it to get what is truly valuable out of online resources. There is also the debate that the more rubbish goes into the internet, the more it will spew out into society. This is why you need to be aware of what you are using it for. 

AI has gained a significant amount of attention over the last couple of years because people have experimented with it to boost their own progression, but we're now at an interesting crossroads where AI is becoming a bit more sophisticated, but we also need to remember that ultimately we are the people prompting it to deliver. This is why AI prompting jobs are paying megabucks, so AI could enrich your life, as long as you use it wisely.

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