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Struggling With Anxiety? This Is How You Can Find Peace Again

It is absolutely normal for everyone to experience some kind of anxiety at some point in life. However, some experience intense anxiety symptoms to the point it disrupts their daily lives. In fact, anxiety disorders can be extremely harmful not only to the sufferer but also to the people around them.

Although anxiety disorders are different conditions with unique presentations, many people experience symptoms that overlap across multiple types of anxiety disorders. Furthermore, each type of anxiety disorder differs in its focus on thoughts or behaviors that produce fear or avoidance of objects/situations; however, all types share a commonality in the feelings they produce (e.g., dread, uneasiness). So what can you do to feel better when an anxiety attack hits? You first may want to look for Mental health and counseling in San Francisco (or wherever you live) or speak to your doctor about having some anti-anxiety medication prescribed.

Here are some pointers that can help you find peace if struggling with anxiety disorder.

1. Speak to an Expert 

Rather than a feeling or symptom, anxiety can be a long-term medical issue. It could also come from a diverse range of health issues. Some forms of anxiety have specific triggers, like driving over a bridge or a busy highway. If you have driving anxiety, the experts at Driving Peace suggest enrolling in a professional program to help you overcome it. This helps you understand your anxiety better, what triggers it, and how to overcome the specific fears. An expert will help determine the best course of action for your specific case, which may include medication, exposure therapy, and behavioral therapy.

2. Learn to Identify the Anxiety As It Is Happening and Label It

Whenever you start feeling anxious, trying to deny it only makes the situation worse. Instead, identify, and label it. You can simply make an effort and state it to yourself or someone that would listen, understand, and won’t judge you. While you could feel as if you are more vulnerable and fragile when talking about your anxieties, it helps you to accept your condition and learn how to deal with it.

3. Accept the Things You Can Change in the Moment and Make Loving Self-Serving Choices

Some folks may turn to anxiety self-medication solutions like going out for a drink, coffee, soda, or smoke. Some resort to junk and sugary foods to ground the feeling of anxiety. However, this can be harmful to the body and doesn’t even offer a long-lasting anxiety management solution. Instead, substitute those harmful stress and anxiety management practices with healthy ones such as:

  • Having six to eight hours of sleep during the night in a quiet and comfortable environment.

  • Getting your body moving, e.g. taking nature walks, picnics, yoga sessions, and biking

  • Eating healthy by cutting down on sugar and processed food intake.

  • Not forgetting to take your vitamin supplements

  • Drinking plenty of clean water

4. Exercise

Exercise is another great way of combating stress and anxiety levels, especially when done regularly. Studies indicate that people who exercise regularly are less likely to experience anxiety compared to those who hardly work out. It improves both your physical and mental health. Exercising lowers your body’s stress hormones like cortisol in the long run. As if that is not enough, it helps in the release of endorphins - chemicals that act as natural pain killers in our bodies.

5. Light a Candle 

Burning a scented candle or using essential oils has a calming effect that may help you reduce your feelings of anxiety. These scented candles and essential oils are soothing not only physically but also mentally. Rose, lavender, geranium, sandalwood, chamomile, and Bergamot are just a few of the many flavors available. Treating your moods with these scents is referred to as aromatherapy, which has been shown to decrease anxiety while improving sleep disorders.

6. Spend Some Quality Time with Friends and Family

Frankly, maybe all you need to beat anxiety is some quality time with your close friend or family. The social support you get from them comes in handy in getting you through your stressful times. Moreover, it gives you a sense of belonging and self-worth that will definitely act as fuel to get you through tough mental situations.  

7. Lough More

Finally, it is surprisingly rare to feel anxious when laughing. Laughter moments are beneficial to your mental health. So, find humor in your everyday life by watching or listening to some comedy shows or even spending some time with funny friends. Also, laughter helps in improving our immune system.

Honestly speaking, not all the anxiety-reducing strategies might work for everyone. This makes it crucial to find one that works perfectly for you. The above few tips should get you started in your journey to overcome anxiety and find peace again.

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