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Struggling To Shed Those Pounds? These Tips Should Help

Sometimes, despite our best efforts to diet and exercise more, we can still struggle to lose weight. This is sometimes because we rely on fad diets that don't really work, and sometimes because we still resort to those bad habits that counter our better lifestyle practices. 

To help you shed those pounds, consider the following. If you are currently struggling to lose weight, these tips should help.

#1: Avoid liquid calories

To lose weight, many of us know the importance of fruit, vegetables, and low-calorie swaps over those fatty and sugary foods that can hinder our weight loss plans. However, we sometimes forget the same when it comes to what we drink. Soda, alcohol, and fruit juices that have a high sugar quotient can all problematic when it comes to your weight loss goals, as they come overloaded with calories. 

So, be careful what you drink. For greater success in your efforts to lose weight, check out this guide on the best and worst drinks for weight loss.

#2: Get a DNA test

You know that DNA testing can be used for ancestry and healthcare purposes, but did you know that it can help you with your weight loss goals too? DNA testing will let you know how your body responds to certain foods. Depending on your genetic makeup, you might need to make slight adjustments to what you eat, as these small tweaks could make all the difference in your attempts to lose weight. 

To learn more, visit the website of Dynamic DNA Laboratories. By using their services, you will be able to make better choices for your body, as they will let you more about your personal nutritional needs.

#3: Seek support

It can be easy to slip into bad habits if you have nobody supporting you with your weight loss goals, so don't go it alone. If you know other people in your life who are also trying to lose weight, buddy up with them, and support one another. 

Other forms of support include weight loss groups, exercise groups, and counseling from a nutritional counselor, so commit to research to find the help you need. With people to cheer you on, you will be less likely to slip into those bad habits that could scupper your weight loss goals. 

#4: Control your portion sizes

Even when eating low-calorie foods, you will put on more weight if you consume too many. So, control your portion sizes, as by doing so, you will face fewer setbacks to your weight loss goals. Following the guidelines on food packaging is a good way to control what you eat, but there are other ways to control portion sizes, such as using smaller dinnerware and using measuring cups to weigh your foods before cooking. 

For more advice, check out this guide on controlling your portion sizes, and use the advice within to measure what you eat. 


In your efforts to lose weight, continue to exercise and eat well. But use our suggestions too, as they will ensure greater degrees of success when you're trying to meet your personal weight loss goals.

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