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Staycation - Relaxing Choices for your Home

We all face those moments in life where we want to take a nice vacation, but our finances limit our choice. Other times, we have the finances to travel but do not have the energy to go long distances. If you are caught in the middle of these two situations, it may be time for a Stay-cation: a relaxing reprieve from the comfort of your own home. This guide will help you to turn your home into the relaxation spot that you need:

1. Work On Your Bedroom

Your bedroom is one of those unique rooms in your home that can set the mood for anything; thus, you have to ensure that it’s in the best form possible. If it’s messy, first declutter it and clean it up. Finally, treat yourself with the best cozy bedding and add a splash of some scented pillow mist that will set the right mood for a good night’s sleep. For full effectiveness, spray this at least 10 minutes before your sleep time to ensure that it's well saturated in your room. 

Alternatively, you can light up some scented candles to fill up the space instead of using your light bulbs, and they will equally give you the aromatherapy you need. With such an environment, you’ll automatically sleep soundly and wake up feeling fresh and cheerful the next day.

2. Modify Your Bathroom into A Spa

There is nothing more relaxing than taking a trip to spa. The beauty and relaxation rituals by trained professionals are designed to put you at ease. You need to spot in your home that you can use as an oasis from the stress of the real world, and your bathroom is just the place. 

Your current bathroom setup may be enough, but it could always help to make some improvements, namely storage. Add built-in cabinets or shelves to store your beauty supplies like essential oils, facemasks, and bath bombs. Switch out the light to soft, warm colors that put your mind at ease. If you are feeling adventurous, you could even wire a sound system in your bathroom to play calming music (or pump-up jams for when it is time to get ready for work!)

3. Add Greenery

Another reason why we travel to new places is to experience nature differently. Nature has a way of bringing in a sense of peace when you need it, whether indoors or on your home property. If the surrounding looks natural, you’re more likely to spend more time in it. 

Similarly, you can incorporate nature and enjoy its benefits inside the comfort of your home. Your local plant nursery will give you recommendations of the best plants to take in. Place them strategically in the main areas of your home, like the kitchen or living room, for an extra pop of color.

You can also add well-designed wooden furniture pieces to your outdoor spaces like a balcony and patio. Likewise, ensure that your lawn, fences, and any trees on your property have also been pruned and well-kept.

4. Change The Lighting

Lights are automatic mood changers. You might not realize it, but fancy restaurants and hotels create an elegant atmosphere by using warm lighting. Proper lighting can make any room a luxurious getaway.

On the other hand, bright natural lighting makes for a cheerful, welcoming environment, so you should ensure that each room gets sufficient lighting during the day.  You can invest in new window treatments by fixing your windows with internal blinds, which are easy to regulate depending on the amount of light you need. This addition automatically makes your rooms appear bigger and brighter. 

5. Cook and Eat Outside

A vacation helps you switch up your routine. On a stay-cation that can be as simple as eating outside. If you have an outdoor cooking area, this option is easier for you, but if not, you can improvise by setting up in a public space like a park or apartment roof deck. This is your opportunity during your stay-cation to get out of the house. You could even make it a party by inviting friends and family over and cooking together.

If you are willing to spend some extra money, you could even hire a personal chef for the evening. Though uncommon, a hired chef will save you the trouble of planning a meal so that you can focus on relaxing. Treat yourself when you deserve it, and invite some friends to enjoy the delicious dinner the chef will make.

6. Camp In Your Backyard

If you have a fire pit or an outdoor fireplace, then you can have an adventure in your own backyard. Backyard camping is a great way to get in touch with nature safely. Combine camping with an outdoor cookout to get a relaxing summer camp experience. With proper lighting in place, your kids will genuinely enjoy camping outdoors without any restrictions. 

Alternatively, family members who don’t like outdoor camping can also experience this with various indoor camping pleasures. For camping, you can also invite your camping friends over and also let the kids invite their friends over. Set up a tent and sleeping bags in the living room and have a movie night on the floor.

Your home can be anything you want as long as you make the necessary adjustments. It’s essential to explore the world beyond your home, but that does not mean you cannot enjoy your home’s environment once in a while. Besides, at home, you have more freedom.  

About the Author

Jenn Walker is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey.

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