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Sophisticated Cannabis Consumption for the Upstanding Stoner

You might use cannabis, but that doesn’t mean you fit into the stereotypical stoner mold. You aren’t sloppy or lazy; you aren’t constantly stoned, and you aren’t obsessed with talking about cannabis in every conversation.

If you think of yourself as a sophisticated stoner, one who enjoys the feeling of a cannabis high but who doesn’t connect with current cannabis culture, you might be on the hunt for more refined ways to enjoy reefer. Here are some ways you can elevate your cannabis consumption and potentially alter (and improve) the cultural depiction of the stoner:

Avoid the Smoke

Smoking is the most quintessential form of cannabis consumption. There are dozens of words to describe the part of the cannabis plant used for smoking — flower, bud, herb, grass, nug, green — and dozens more words to reference smokables themselves — joints, blunts, spliffs, doobies, zoots, pinners, Dutches. Yet, smoking is also the most intrusive way to consume weed, considering that it infects the surrounding air, sometimes entire neighborhood blocks, in a cloud of foul-smelling skunk.

As convenient as smoking might be, you should opt for different consumption methods if you want to be a conscientious and sophisticated cannabis consumer. The least intrusive method of using cannabis is undeniably consumables, like edibles, oils and tinctures, which you can dose with without attracting attention or impacting the experience of those around you.

If you do prefer inhalation to oral ingestion, you should look for a vape that uses odorless cartridges, not dry herb or concentrates. Then again, if you are committed to using bud in its most natural form, you should at least talk to your Illinois dispensary budtender to find the least aromatic strains and exhale through a sploof to trap most of the smell.

Invest in Quality Tools

Cannabis requires a surprising amount of equipment. You need a way to store your weed, a way to process your weed, a way to smoke your weed, a way to light your weed, a way to collect weed leavings and so much more. While none of these tools and supplies need to cost a fortune — inventive stoners have been known to get by with items like toilet paper rolls and disposable chopsticks — you should consider investing in quality equipment if you want to give off a sophisticated air.

In fact, you might cultivate a collection of art pieces that double as cannabis tools. Bongs, pipes, ashtrays, rolling trays, storage jars and more can be as attractive as they are practical, contributing to your home décor aesthetic instead of polluting it. As long as you are focused on purchasing cannabis tools with the right look, you should develop a cohesive and cool collection.

Be Generous With Bud

Generosity is a common quality in cannabis culture; few weed enthusiasts feel the need to be tightfisted with their tree. Though you might reject other qualities of the stereotypical stoner,  this is one you must uphold. Stinginess is not a hallmark of sophistication. When you have weed, you should be willing to share. By nonchalantly lavishing your loved ones with bud, you will seem confident, which is an essential step toward becoming a sophisticated gentleman (or gentlewoman).

Stay Informed on Issues

Finally, being a sophisticated stoner doesn’t involve disconnecting entirely from the broader cannabis community. In fact, you should put more effort into learning the cannabis news of the day. Being informed on important cannabis issues allows you to challenge others’ preconceived notions regarding cannabis consumption. For instance, if a family member remarks that cannabis causes users to be lazy and overweight, you can recall recent research finding that cannabis users tend to exercise more frequently and gain weight at a lower rate than the average population. You might sprinkle your research with personal anecdotes about your sophisticated cannabis consumption habits, as well.

You don’t have to talk about cannabis issues every time you get high, and you don’t have to drag others into discussions about weed. However, knowing about the goings-on in the cannabis industry and culture allows you to improve the quality of these conversations, so you can elevate cannabis amongst others, as well.

Your passion for pot won’t prevent you from becoming the high-class person you hope to be. With the right choices regarding methods, tools and behaviors, you can fashion yourself into the new stoner stereotype — one that is certainly sophisticated.

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