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Simple Ways You Can Make Your Life Easier Through Self-Care

From time to time, we all feel as though life catches up with us. Whether you have been working from home and struggling to meet deadlines or navigating your way through a relationship breakdown - there are simply hundreds of occasions wherein you may let self-care take the backseat. However, in order to feel healthier and happier in our day-to-day lives - we need to find ways to put self-care behind the wheel instead.

With that in mind, here are some small ways in which you can make your day-to-day life a little easier by practicing self-care. 

  • Keep a good routine, even during difficult or turbulent times in your life. This can help you find normalcy when things seem to be spiraling and help you stay on track. 

  • Find a way to introduce exercise into your routine - whether that means you head out for a daily jog or build a home gym. Even 15 minutes a day can have a lasting impact on your mind and body. 

  • While you are allowed to indulge from time to time, try to really get to grips with healthy eating - ensuring that your diet is packed with nutrients, fruit, and vegetables. Remember - eating healthy does not have to be boring - and there are thousands of different recipes you can choose from. When possible, try to find alternatives to dining out

  • If you are super busy during the week, set aside some time at the weekend to batch cook meals that you can then heat up at a later date. This is a great way of avoiding reaching for that takeout menu and can save you a lot of time in the long run. 

  • Make the most of online services that can help you from the comfort of your own home. For example, many pharmacies now offer online consultation services - meaning that you can address any health issues you may be facing right away as opposed to having to find time in your schedule to drop by your local pharmacy.  This also means you can gain easy access to medications such as Lyclear cream to treat lice and scabies. 

  • Talk openly and honestly about how you are feeling - as opposed to bottling up your emotions until they spill over. Though having this kind of conversation can be hard, speaking up sooner rather than later can help you process how you are feeling, meaning you can work towards a resolution quicker. 

  • Set aside some time each week to indulge in your favorite hobbies and pastimes. Whether that means you spend half an hour reading, exercising, or even re-watching your favorite TV show - do something once a day that makes you smile. You deserve it! 

  • Though it’s tempting to spend hour after hour scrolling through social media to see what people are up to, try and have a social media detox from time to time. Turn off your phone and give yourself a well-deserved break.

  • As opposed to setting yourself big goals throughout the year (many of which are often unattainable), find a way to break them down into smaller, more reasonable targets. For example, you could separate them into monthly goals.

  • Though it is important that we help others, you also need to know when it is time to put yourself first. There is nothing remotely selfish about doing this, and do not let anyone tell you otherwise. 

  • Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone - whether that relates to trying out new foods or participating in an activity you’ve never partaken in before. Though this may seem scary initially, it is a great way to bring about change and can also give you a much-needed confidence boost. 

  • Begin practicing mindfulness or meditation. To begin with, you can follow online guides that are designed to get you in the right headspace for mindfulness. Though you may feel self-conscious to begin with, meditation is a great way to clear your mind, reduce stress and process your feelings.

  • Find new and inventive ways to express yourself every day. Whether you do that through writing, dancing around your home, or trying out new clothing styles. Remember, when it comes to fashion, you don’t have to conform to popular styles. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in - and don’t be afraid to let your personality shine. When you stop caring about how others think, you can start being your true self. 

  • Spend time with people who lift you up instead of those who drag you down. For example, if you have known somebody for a long time, but they continue to belittle your feelings, it might be time to cut the cord. You don’t have to be around people who don’t make you happy.

  • Remember that self-care falls under many different categories - and it doesn’t necessarily mean face masks and bubble baths. However, don’t be afraid to indulge in some pampering from time to time - whether you book yourself in for a massage or splash out on some expensive skincare - the time to treat yourself is now. 

  • Try your hand at journaling. Sometimes, it can be hard to separate our feelings from a situation or figure out the next best step. However, writing them down so that you can see them on the page can help you figure out what the next step should be. 

  • Remember that many problems cannot be resolved overnight - meaning you shouldn’t put too much pressure on yourself to find a solution right away. Sometimes, self-care means giving yourself time off and accepting the fact that you can and will make mistakes from time to time. 

  • Start dating yourself. Though this may sound odd, it simply means that you treat yourself with the same grace and kindness that you would treat a romantic partner or friend. Buy yourself flowers or an odd gift. Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself just how good you look. Shower yourself in praise when you do something well and spend some time getting to know who you are on a deeper level. This can have a truly positive effect on your mental well-being.

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