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Sell Your Home Faster And Live The Life You Dreamed Of

If you have put your house up on the market for sale and you’re not able to shift it and sell it quickly, then you may feel that your home isn’t right for any buyer and perhaps start questioning its look and feel. There are many different reasons as to why your home is not selling and these elements can be changed and improved on. When people walk into a house, they want to see something that they feel they could live in, homely, clean, and above all, have a sense of homeliness and cosiness. You are going to want to make someone feel as if it is the perfect house for them, but here are some ways to change up your house to make it feel a little more inviting for a sale. If you are looking for your own home, you may have seen a property you like, maybe you’ve had a look on and you are wanting to move, you need to first sell your own home, so let’s see how you can achieve this. Let's look at the tips below to see how you can start to shift your home and get into a new chapter:

  1. Look at your flooring! A carpet or flooring of any description can create a vibe in a house. Carpets often make your home feel warm and cosy, but they do take a lot of upkeep and can be difficult to look after, if you drop something on the floor on carpet, then you will find it may be difficult to get the stains out and you don’t want to show that to any buyers. Yes of course you can hide it with rugs but you could also look at some new flooring such as wooden floors or lino. There are many options to make the home still feel loved and lived in, and rugs do help. You can clean rugs easier and they break up the wooden floor space and can be full of so many different designs. 

  2. Keep the place homely and light - don’t avoid showing how cosy your house vibes are and although you will want to be placing photos of yourself away, you will also want to make it look loved and lived in. Magazines on the table, cushions, cosy throws and maybe a tea cup set out just to show that it is homely and ready to live in right away, even without your furniture. 

  3. Use your garden well - if you’re lucky enough to have an outdoor space then turn it into an indoor feeling garden, and use nice furniture to look chic and elegant, add fairy lights and flowers and anything that will help bring the indoors outdoors, so it feels like it is part of the house, because people do love to congregate in the gardens in summer.

  4. Aromas! We can be easily seduced by a beautiful scent and so keeping your home smelling amazing in every room will attract a buyer. A nice scent for a candle or oil burner will make your home feel very clean and fresh as well as getting rid of any animal scents or anything else that may be clogging up the air. 

Making your home feel virtual and inviting is going to help sell your home faster. You can also look at some smaller additions to your home such as:

  1. Create a focal point such as a piece of furniture, or curtains or something that will feel as if it is a main focus.

  2. Depersonalize and get rid of any family photos or dog collars, anything that shows it is your home as it will not feel appealing to your buyers at all. 

  3. Stay neutral with colours - allow your buyers to see a blank canvas so they can look at specific ideas for their home including paints and wallpapers, only give them a taste.

  4. De-clutter your home, keep things neat, tidy, buy simple storage solutions and don’t make anything look overcrowded.  

  5. Add home touches such as scented candles, fresh flowers, as well as art work, cushions and lamps. 

So if it’s time for you to say goodbye to your house, make sure you follow some simple steps and find your home the new owners it deserves. Selling your home can seem overwhelming and tiresome but with the right resources, you can make your home very appealing. You can look at tricks and tips and get your home looking spic and span ready for that sale!