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Secrets to Making a Perfect Cup of Coffee

Caffeine doesn’t only make your brain alert and helps you concentrate, but it boosts your mood as well. People like to drink their cups of coffee in multiple ways. You cannot call one cup better than the other because we have different taste buds and we respond distinctively to taste. However, some tips can help your coffee stay fresh and make it appeal to almost every person that drinks it. Also if you're aware, there are a lot of new options online such as alternatives to dipping products, these have the same benefits of a normal coffee.

The Right Roast

You should search for the right roast and the best ones are the freshest. Some beans are better consumed within five days of their roasting. However, some of them can last up to a month with the same quality depending on their porosity and reaction with water. The most common sign that proves you are drinking fresh coffee is finding some bubbles while pouring water into the cup. 

Grinding Method

You should know your taste preference in order to get the right grind. If you like sweeter tastes, you should aim for a coarse grind, whereas if you prefer a more caffeinated cup, a finer one provides a stronger taste. Small particles with large surface areas slow the movement of water which helps in better extraction of the flavor. Moreover, if your roasted beans are becoming old, you don’t have to throw them away as you can grind them into even finer pieces to get the best out of them. 

Types of Coffee Beans

You should choose the type of beans depending on the kind of coffee you like to drink. The two most common ones are Arabica and Robusta. They come from different plants and in turn, their uses vary as well. While they are both cultivated, Arabica requires great care as they are fragile owing to their growth at higher altitudes. On the contrary, Robusta is relatively strong and can withstand harsh conditions and diseases. 

The real difference lies in the bitterness and intensity of caffeine. For instance, Arabica is used by the French and Turkish because they offer less bitter tastes. When it comes to the Italians, finding the best beans for espresso was not an easy task because they wanted to make a strong drink. Here comes the primary use for Robusta which is known for its high caffeine content and darkness. That being said, espresso made with this type of beans is served in shots. You can use other kinds of beans with different roasts, but you won’t get the same taste or effect. 

Brewing Techniques

Another important aspect to look at is the brewing technique as it highly affects the extraction of coffee and the taste. One of the methods is immersing the beans in water, which will result in a very bitter taste that sometimes you have to add milk or sweeteners to be able to drink it. Another way is to use a pour-over tool and you will get a sweeter taste as the beans are less exposed to water so there is no time for meticulous extraction. If you want the best of both worlds, you should go for AeroPress which is an immersion technique that uses a medium grind. 

You should know how you like to drink your daily dose of caffeine to know which type of beans to use. The techniques of brewing and grinding won’t make a cup better than the other, but they will simply make it bitter or sweeter according to your preference

Another option is to cold-brew your coffee where you increase the time of immersion to make up for the low temperature. You will end up extracting less flavor and you won’t need any additives. 

Water Temperature

You shouldn’t underestimate the role of water in making the ultimate cup of coffee. The flavor highly depends on the amount of water, agitating the beans as well as its temperature. For instance, if you like it moderately bitter you should use lower temperatures as you will extract fewer nascent flavors. On the other hand, boiling water results in an intense flavor, however, avoid extremely hot water because it may burn the coffee resulting in a repelling bitter taste. 

The quality of the water is important as well because of the fewer the minerals, the better the final outcome of the cup. That’s why you should avoid using tap water and go for filtered ones that have a neutral pH because they are better for your coffee and your health as well. 

There isn’t one perfect cup of coffee for everyone because we are all different. You should know how you like to drink your daily dose of caffeine to know which type of beans to use. The techniques of brewing and grinding won’t make a cup better than the other, but they will simply make it bitter or sweeter according to your preference. 

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