Off The MRKT

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RV Trip Checklist for 2021

When the pandemic finally ends, it's high time to pack up your things and rush on an adventurous trip! One of the ideas for the awaited vacation is a summer spent in a camper. You can be entirely flexible during a trip like this, socialize with your friends and family, unite with nature and jump at the opportunity to try the minimal lifestyle.

Does it sound like an ideal vacation for you? If the answer is yes, check if you haven't forgotten anything before going off the beaten tracks with your RV.

1. Roadworthy RV

Safety always goes first. Before you start thinking about which shorts would fit your summer outfits best, make sure that your vehicle is roadworthy. Check if you have wheel blocks, levelers, and tire pressure gauge. Remember that you're going to spend the next few days in that machine, so do everything not to be let down with its functionality. If it turns out that a possible breakdown might occur during your trip, you can always sell your motorhome here and borrow one that would provide you with complete safety.

2. Necessary Paperwork

If you want to avoid unpleasant surprises and legal issues, make sure you've packed all the necessary documents. Forewarned is forearmed, so don't ignore the risk of a road accident. Pack your insurance papers and warranty documents. Apart from that, check if you have your personal ID and RV Registration. 

And finally, even if we live in the era of technology, GPS may fail you sometimes, so take a paper map with you as well. When you think you have everything in your glove box, check one more time to make sure - you'd be thankful for that!

3. Basic First Aid Kit

You should always have a first aid kit in your boot, but if you're going on an RV trip, it's of extreme importance. There might be a moment when you'll be spending the night in the middle of nowhere, and you may burn yourself with fire or cut your hand. That's why you need to be sure that you've packed the bandages, cloth tape, cold compress, aspirin, etc. so that nothing can surprise you.

If you've put a tick next to each point of that checklist, get to know how to pack up and hit the road!

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