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Qualities of a Good Personal Injury Lawyer

Picking out a lawyer can be hard. There are often little guarantees that ensure your personal injury attorney will handle your case the way you want, at least that’s what people think. But the truth is, there are qualities you can look out for when picking an attorney to improve your chances of winning the case. Here are the qualities of a perfect personal injury lawyer.


When looking for a lawyer, you need someone who pays a great deal of attention to detail and is a thorough worker. Legal matters are all about contracts, and the one word is legally binding. If you want someone you can trust to vet a contract for loopholes or to provide concrete, irrefutable evidence, you need to pick a meticulous lawyer. Not just that, but the better they understand the situation, the better they’ll explain it to you, and the better they’ll be able to come up with creative solutions. If there is a line of work to which the saying, “the devil is in the details” applies, it’s the legal sector.


With experience comes wisdom, skill, and honed techniques. An experienced lawyer would have been subjected to all kinds of different opposition lawyers, insurance companies, and settlement cases. When presented with your case, it won’t be an unprecedented dilemma for them, but a standard procedure. They’ll be able to easily navigate their way around any roadblock the insurance company throws at them. Not to mention, they’ll have enough knowledge and confidence to demand a large settlement based on what they were able to get for similar cases in the past.   


You don’t want a lawyer who’s only after their own commission or after a perfect record. You want someone such as the Queens attorneys Bergman & Bergman who truly cares about your case and
about getting you the best deal. You want someone who truly cares about your case and about getting you the best deal. One way to know what type of lawyer you’re dealing with, according to personal injury legal experts, is to ask if they operate on a contingency fee basis. This type of payment procedure means that the lawyer doesn’t get paid if you don’t and it’s always a good sign, and it is quite common in Tampa, Florida as well as other states. Remember that during a hard time following an accident, you are going to want an understanding, compassionate attorney. The better they understand you, the better they’ll be able to communicate with you. Their ability to put themselves in your shoes will help them understand the type and amount of compensation you need.


Time is everything when it comes to legal affairs. If your attorney is late to file paperwork, your case might be dismissed. If they’re late for their first meeting, they will have to cut their following meetings short to keep up. A good lawyer should be able to stay ahead of their schedule. Any time management issues can indicate that the attorney is either taking on more work than they can handle or are simply uninvested in your case. Either way, a timely lawyer will save you time, money, and will contribute to the success of your settlement claim or your lawsuit. 

Good Listener

What is a lawyer if not a good debater? One can’t talk without listening. Not just that, but one can’t defend a cause without fully understanding it. A good personal injury lawyer will listen carefully to what you have to say. They will make sure they understand every little detail, and then they will ask one more time to be sure. In the negotiation room, or in the court of law, their ability to listen and quickly understand will show in the form of quick replies and quick refutations. Just by paying attention to what’s being said around them, a good lawyer can easily make a jury or an insurance company see your point of view.


Insurance companies don’t give out settlements easily. If they did, they wouldn’t still be in business. Meaning, when your lawyer presents them with your case, they won’t just roll over and give you a good deal. A good lawyer knows when they’re being low-balled, and instead of letting it happen, they choose to fight for more. An average lawyer will take what they can get, but a good lawyer will persist until they get you what they believe you deserve.

Some are lucky enough to find a good lawyer effortlessly, but for others, the search takes a little longer. If you haven’t struck gold on your first try, don’t give up. Look up more lawyers in your area and take up their free consultation offers, during which you should look out for the traits mentioned above. Before you decide, remember that you’re choosing to hire them as much as they’re choosing to take you on.

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