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Proven Ways to Sell Your House Faster

Our homes are the most expensive purchase that we are likely to make in our lives, therefore it is extremely important to give careful consideration when buying or selling a new property. Sometimes it is necessary to sell your house quickly, whether due to probate reasons, the fact you are moving abroad, or because you can no longer afford the mortgage and need to get out of debt. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many people are moving out of city centers and heading towards the countryside because they are no longer required to work in offices and feel safer from the virus away from big population centers. This has led to a huge demand for properties, so it is imperative that you sell your home quickly if you want to take advantage of the situation. Here we are going to take a look at the proven ways to sell your house quicker.

Choose an Established Agent

There are often many different estate agents servicing each town, so it can be difficult to know which are the best agents at actually selling properties. One good way to find out is to have a look at the properties for sale in your town so you can see who the most popular agent is. There is normally a good reason why everybody flocks to a particular agent, so you can tap into this popularity too. Be wary, though, if the properties don’t sell quickly, because maybe they are just trying to undercut the market on price, but aren’t efficient sellers. Another way to choose your agent is to rely on trusty word of mouth from friends and family or from social media forums. Make sure you get this step right because it is crucial to achieving a fast sale.

Sell Yourself

In the modern world, you do not have to be beholden to an agent in order to sell your house. Another option is to use a major listing service, or mls, to advertise your property, and actually this will save your money because you will not have to pay hefty estate agent commissions. One of the major benefits of using a mls for sale by owner is that you will pay a flat fee and then can market your property yourself, and after all, you know your home better than any agent does, so will be able to convince potential buyers of its worth. You will also be able to handle the photography of the property yourself in order to attract the millions of buyers that will be viewing your property via the major listing service, again saving a fee by not employing a traditional photographer. On average, you can save up to $10,000 by using an mls, so consider it if you are looking to sell your house in record time. 

Set a Realistic Asking Price

Of course, we all want to achieve the best possible sales price for our property, but it is important to ask yourself if the price you want is realistic, especially if you are looking to sell quickly. The first step is to see what similar properties are selling for in your area, and if your price is out of this range, then it is unlikely to sell. Buyers are just as savvy as sellers, in this regard, and won’t pay over the odds. If the most important thing to you is a quick sale, then undercut the market and you will attract as many buyers as possible, and may even be able to set up a bidding war whereby you sell for more than you would have if you had priced your property at a higher price originally. 

Use Social Media

When trying to sell your home, it is all about getting as many eyes to view your property as possible, so even if you are using a traditional estate agent or a major listing service, there is nothing stopping you from advertising your property through your social media platforms as well. Any extra views are advantageous, and if you can get your friends and family to share and like your property, then you increase your chances of a quick sale. 

Spruce Your House Up

Nobody is going to be impressed if they come to view your property and find last night’s dirty dishes strewn around the kitchen, and clothes all over the bedroom floor. First impressions really do matter, so make sure your house is clean and tidy and free of clutter whenever you have a viewing. First impressions also apply to the outside of your property, so ensure that it has had a lick of paint and that the garden is in good order. The front of your property is the first thing any potential buyer will see, so consider placing some nice pot plants around the front door, and move the dustbins to an area where they will not be seen. 

Have a Solicitor on Hand

When you sell your property, you will need to engage a solicitor to draw up all the legal documents. If you are looking to sell your property quickly, then it is vital that you already have a solicitor prepped and ready to go. This means furnishing them with the title deeds and surveyors reports to your property, as the future buyer will require these to check that everything to do with your property is in order before the sale goes ahead. If you are moving to another house, make sure that you have a mortgage agreed in principle, if you are not buying with cash, as little things like this can delay a potential sale and, in the worst case, could lead to a buyer pulling out.

As we have learned, there are many proven ways to sell a house quickly. Consider a major listing service to reach as large an audience as possible, and if you are using an estate agent, make sure they are well established and highly reputable. Lowering the asking price below the market is a sure-fire way of attracting interest and make sure that you have spruced your property up so that it is welcoming. Use social media to your advantage and have a solicitor to hand, and then you will be best placed to sell your property as quickly as possible.

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