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Plant Better: Gardening Accessories You Need for a More Enjoyable Planting Time

Sometimes, planting with your hands alone could be a difficult task. Chances are, transferring a soil could spill, cutting plant stems wouldn't be made faster, and you wouldn't be able to enjoy much of the experience. 

What's the best way to enjoy gardening than to have the right accessories to get started right? Gardening tools are essential, especially if you want to transfer and replant your plants properly. In this way, you can guarantee that you can plant anything you want in your garden with the extra help of gardening accessories. Read down below to know the list of necessary accessories needed in gardening: 

Garden Hose 

Imagine having to carry a pail of water to water your plants; wouldn't that be a big hassle? Thus, getting a garden house could fix this problem. There's no need to carry a pail of water around your garden to water your plants. 

A Garden hose, commonly referred to as a hosepipe, is a long flexible tube that can easily water the plants. At the ends of each hose, you could attach sprayers or sprinklers that could help spread out the water evenly or direct it at one point. 

Usually, a good quality garden hose is made from materials like rubber. Generally, they are known to be the most durable and long-lasting. But, remember that this could also be pricey and heavy but will be a good investment in the long run. 

Gardening Gloves 

Gardening is a great hobby that most people enjoy, but without using any gardening gloves, it could hurt your hands from the thorn and spikes of flowers in the garden. So, other than it helps prevent soil from getting into touch with your skin, it could save you from having scars and wounds from planting. 

Not to mention, if you are someone who loves to grow their fingernails, a good pair of gardening gloves may be the answer to your problem. With this, it could prevent dirt from being stuck in your nails and even protect them from suddenly breaking. Lastly, 

In getting gardening gloves, make sure that the size properly fits in your hand. A big glove could easily slip off your hand and might pose some harm. Also, make sure it's durable and able to be used for seed planting and transferring. If you could get a water-resistant glove, that would be better to keep your hand dry and comfortable.

Hand Trowel

A hand trowel is a small tool convenient for digging, smoothing, and moving some soil or material. Its shape is in the form of a scoop metal blade with a slightly pointed end, and the handles come in either wood or plastic material. Usually, it's compared with a shovel, but in a smaller version, making it look adorable and easy to carry around. 

Hand trowels are significant in gardening, especially if you want to dig up small holes. A bigger one will be needed if you wish to create a bigger hole in the ground. It's best used when you are mixing fertilizer as well as other additives. It could also be used in weeding and transferring plants to different pots. 

Gardening Fork 

Garden forks are suitable to be used in loosening, turning over, and lifting some soil. There are three different types of gardening fork. Here it is as follows: 

Garden Fork 

The garden fork is considered the largest type of gardening fork that could be used in large areas. It's best used in tasks that are heavy to do and are suitable to be used when dealing with compacted soil or clay soil. 

Potato Fork 

From the word itself, potato forks are ideal for harvesting potatoes. It makes the job easier and more convenient with its sharp points designed specifically not to damage the potatoes when harvesting. 

Border Fork 

If you're dealing with small gardening spaces, a border fork is the best tool to use. Compared to garden forks, it is smaller and ideal to be used in areas where large forks could not fit.

Digging Fork 

A digging fork is commonly referred to as the spading fork. It is best used when harvesting vegetables from the roots and dealing with lighter types of soils. 


A rake is a broom that is designed to be used outdoors, specifically in the garden. It's designed with pointed ends that are fixed into a handle. Rakes are the ideal tool to use when you opt to collect leaves, grasses, hays, and more. This is effective in making your surroundings cleaner without damaging your law as well as the soil. 

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