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Pineapple, Pilates And Other Alternative Painkillers

Looking for an alternative form of pain relief? Try some of these unconventional science-backed painkillers…


Turmeric is a plant in the ginger family that has been used for years as a natural painkiller. It has potent anti-inflammatory properties that are particularly effective against conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. Turmeric is best taken as a powder in hot water or as a capsule.


Bromelain is most commonly found in pineapples and is an effective anti-inflammatory enzyme. Eating pineapple or drinking pineapple juice may be able to provide some pain relief, but you’re most likely to receive the benefits of this ingredient by having it in a more concentrated form. Bromelain capsules can offer a more concentrated solution and can be found at many local herbal pharmacies.


A vital ingredient found in chillies, capsaicin is what creates the hot sensation. Whilst capsaicin can be painful when consumed, it can be a powerful form of pain relief when applied as a cream to your skin. It’s most useful against muscular and joint pain – simply massage the cream into the area where the pain is. Just make sure not to rub your eye or eat anything with your hands directly after – you could cause yourself a lot more pain if it touches anywhere other than skin.

Medicinal marijuana

Whilst most people see it as a recreational drug, weed has it medicinal benefits too. Its psychoactive properties making it effective against inflammation. Marijuana is illegal in many parts of the world, however there are some countries and states that prescribe it for medical purposes. There are numerous ways to take marijuana – you don’t have to smoke it and can ingest it through tablets, oils and various edible products.

Low-impact exercise

High-impact exercises such as running, cycling or jumping could aggravate many forms of pain. However low-impact exercises such as swimming, walking and stretching can have the opposite effect, providing an endorphin rush that can fight pain. Pilates is a popular activity for sufferers of chronic pain – it focuses on building core strength and can be great for people with joint problems or back problems.


It’s possible to use water to relieve pain. This is known as hydrotherapy – by using hot water and jets of water, you can loosen up the bodies muscles and release endorphins to help numb pain. Whilst there are various forms of professional treatment out there, simply taking a hot bath at home could be enough to relieve some of your pain.


Laughter is indeed the best medicine. When we laugh, our body is flooded with feelgood endorphins that help to fight pain – it’s the reason laughter feels so good. Next time you’re in serious pain, try putting on your favourite comedy movie or hanging out with some humorous friends – you may be able to laugh some of the pain away.

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