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Ovulation Signs You Need to Know

6 Ovulation Signs You Should Know About

Ovulation occurs when one of your ovaries releases an egg. If the egg released is fertilized, it is highly likely for you to get pregnant. Anyone trying to get pregnant is looking for an accurate way to predict their ovulation day. 

It is not difficult to recognize your ovulation symptoms if you are familiar with some common signs that we will take you through in this article.

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Women who want to get pregnant often struggle with learning the signs of ovulation. You do not necessarily have to use an app to determine your ovulation days. Instead, if you monitor few physical signs of ovulation, you can easily predict your most fertile days. 

The six signs of ovulation discussed in this article will help you learn how to recognize impending ovulation and find out if it has already occurred. So, let's take a look at them.

6 Signs Of Ovulation

Here we will take you through the six signs to help you understand when you are ovulating.

1. Increase In Basal Body Temperature

According to experts, the body temperature slightly increases after women experience ovulation. You must monitor your body temperature regularly to know when it rises. You may monitor your basal body temperature at the same time every morning before you get out of bed to use the bathroom. 

There are free websites and apps to help you chart your basal body temperature. It may not be able to predict your ovulation accurately, but it allows you to estimate when ovulation occurred. However, irregular schedules or health conditions like inconsistent sleep patterns or fever can make tracking BBT accurately difficult. 

2. Breast Tenderness

Do your breasts feel tender to the touch sometimes? If so, it is due to the hormones that your body produces following ovulation. Notice when your breasts become sensitive to the touch and use it as a way to confirm the occurrence of ovulation. 

You may not be able to predict ovulation accurately, but it could help you determine whether you have ovulated this cycle.

3. Change In Libido

If you experience changes in your libido, it might indicate that ovulation is about to occur. Many women have an increased sex drive right before ovulation. During this period, not only the sex desire goes up, but a woman appears more attractive. 

So if you are in the mood and feel a surge in your sex drive, it may be mother nature's way of telling you to get things done! Knowing the physical symptoms of ovulating may help you time sexual intercourse right and improve your chances of getting pregnant. 

However, remember there are other factors besides ovulating that can make your libido soar. You may not even notice or have an increased sex drive right before ovulation if you are stressed, anxious, or depressed.    

4. Slight Pain Or Cramps In Lower Abdomen

You may experience ovulation cramps or pains when an egg is released. If you experience slight or sharp pain during mid-cycle, it is possibly due to ovulation. 

This mid-cycle pain is also known as mittelschmerz, which is a German word for middle pain. It occurs right before you ovulate when you are most fertile. 

Some women may experience ovulation pain every month. The pain may last for a few minutes to few hours or may even last for a day or two. If you experience severe pain during ovulation, you must see your doctor immediately as it could be a condition of endometriosis or pelvic adhesions.

5. Cervical Mucus  

To detect when ovulation will occur, you must monitor your cervical mucus or vaginal secretions regularly. Look for mucus at the opening of your vagina daily. 

Usually, the vagina produces the least amount of secretions right after your menstrual cycle. However, there are some patterns of vaginal secretions consistency and amount that you must consider to determine the ovulation period. 

Following your menstrual cycle, you would notice your cervical mucus stickier. This is a stage where you are not in a fertile stage of your cycle.

Right before ovulation, the cervical mucus increases and appears like a raw egg-white consistency. This is the fertile stage of your cycle, where cervical mucus allows sperm to swim up and into the female reproductive system. 

After ovulation day, the vaginal discharge decreases and has a thicker consistency. So, you can predict your ovulation days if you learn to track these changes in consistency and amount of vaginal discharge throughout your cycle. 

6. Ovulation Predictor Kits

You may use an ovulation predictor kit that works similar to an at-home pregnancy test. It is an effective tool to detect hormone levels that are increased during ovulation.

To use the kit, urinate on the stick, after which two lines will appear. If the test line is darker than the control line, it means the test is positive, and you are most likely to ovulate soon. 

However, like everything else, ovulation tests may have their pros and cons discussed below:

  • These tests do not require much effort compared to tracking your basal body temperature. 

  • The digital ovulation devices are user-friendly. You can use them easily whenever you want.

  • It may get a little tricky to decide whether the test line is darker than the control line.

  • The device may cost higher if you have irregular periods or you are trying to get pregnant for a long time.

  • Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome may have several multiple false-positive test results, rendering the kit impractical.

  • The device does not guarantee accurate results. It may show you a positive result, but in reality, you may not ovulate.

The Bottom Line

Hopefully, now you know how to detect ovulation signs and boost your chances of getting pregnant. Learning to identify the ovulation symptoms allows you to time sexual intercourse and conceive within a few months. However, if you are struggling to conceive even after ovulating, you must see your doctor for professional assistance. 

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