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Office Essentials To Help You Cultivate A Productive Working Environment

Working from home has become the new normal for many of us. Some of us have converted our spare rooms, garden sheds, and dining rooms into a home office. However, there's one issue that many struggle with when working from home, and that is being productive.

Over time, our productivity levels can drop the longer we spend working from one place. Many of us are looking at how we can transform our home office space into a productive environment. Fortunately, there are some changes that can be made – some of which are small office essentials to invest in. If you are curious about what office essentials can help cultivate a productive working environment, keep reading to find out more.

Designing Your Office

When designing your office, ensure that you look at the space overall. Consider the size, the layout and the windows (if there are any) in the room. Keeping the space in mind when planning what you want to do will help you be more effective in your design planning to renovate your office space.

If you are unsure where to start, here are a few key factors to consider when designing your office.

  • Decide On Layout - Look at the current layout of the room. Envision where you would have a desk put into what will soon become your office. With an area of the space in mind, measure the space to see what size desk could fit. Think about what else you want to have in the room. Is your office doubling up as a spare room? If so, consider what size bed can fit in the space. You want your office to feel open and spacious. Consider a pull-out bed to help save space and keep your office feeling open rather than crowded. You might even consider investing in storage solutions for the room, such as bookshelves or wardrobes. As mentioned, try to keep the space feeling open and spacious. A crowded and compact room could hinder your productivity levels – the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

  • Think Of The Desk – After deciding on the layout of your office space, consider the desk you want to use. When looking at desks, remember the measurements you have for the area you want your desk. If you find a desk you like, but it does not fit the space you envisioned, you can either see if there is another area in the room the desk can go or look for another option. Select a desk with the space to fit all the items you need to work productively from home. Ensure that there is plenty of space to help avoid an overcrowded desk. A crowded desk can appear cluttered, which does not help productivity levels.

  • Choosing The Right Chair – Aside from the desk, consider the chair you want for your office. Sitting in an uncomfortable chair while working will not help you be productive. Instead, it will affect your posture, and you might experience back pains. Select an ergonomic chair that will support your back whilst you work. Of course, many will want an aesthetically pleasing chair that fits the space's vibe. However, comfort is far more important than style, especially when working from home. You might find that ergonomic chairs are also aesthetically pleasing. It is essential that you ensure they are comfortable enough to work from.

Items For Your Desk

Whether you clear your current desk or choose to invest in a new one to gain additional space or one that allows you to stand, now you have to think about what features are on your desk. Of course, your desk will feature your most used items, such as your laptop and computer, but there are other items that are worth investing in. These items could help to make your office and desk a productive space to work from.

Here are a few essential items you should consider investing in for your desk.

Wireless Devices

You might already have a mouse and keyboard. However, are they wireless, or do you have to plug in each cable to your laptop or computer manually? Wired devices can make a desk appear cluttered. Switching to wireless devices removes the wires that came with wired devices, helping to create a cleaner-looking desk. Additionally, they can be moved easily without worrying about cables getting tangled up.

Incorporate Plants

Bring the outdoors inside by investing in houseplants. Plants in your office can help cultivate a productive space and reduce the stress felt. Another benefit of houseplants in your office is that they can help to improve the air quality, depending on the choice of plants you purchase. You can shop online today at The Stem to see the vast range of houseplant options they have available. The smaller ones could make an excellent addition to the side of your desk, whilst the larger indoor plants could feature elsewhere in your newly renovated office. Adding indoor plants to an office space is a simple and effective way to breathe new life into a room.

Computer And Laptop Stands

Hunched over at your desk all day can impact your spine and posture. Investing in an ergonomic chair or a standing desk can help you improve your posture and reduce the chances of you working hunched over at your desk. However, another effective way to do this is by investing in a stand for your computer or laptop. Bringing your laptop or computer screen up to eye level helps you to work from your desk effectively without having to crouch to see the screen. This can help reduce any back pains you experience when working from home.

Wire Organiser

You might choose to invest in a wireless keyboard and mouse to remove how many cables feature on your desk. However, you still might have multiple other wires on your desk. These could be the charger cable for your phone, laptop, computer cable, HDMI cables and so on. All of these cables could be needed to help you work from home. However, they can make your desk appear cluttered. Look at what cable organisers are available. These can help you keep all the cables together without getting tangled up. Many cable organisers come in decorative boxes, meaning that you can hide the mass of wires on your desk. Reducing the appearance of cables is another effective way to help make your desk space a more productive place to work.

Water Bottle

Hydration is essential in being productive. It is recommended that we consume between 6 to 8 glasses of fluid every day. When we are dehydrated, our productivity levels drop. Being productive is challenging when working from home. If dehydration further fuels your lack of concentration and low productivity levels, ensuring that you consume enough fluids is crucial. Keep a bottle of water or a preferred liquid on your desk. You can purchase water bottles with the time printed on the side, which shows you how much you should have drunk at different times in the day. This can help ensure you consume the recommended amount of liquids.

New Productive Space

After time spent renovating your office, you will now have your ideal space to do your work. Ensure that you keep the space clean and organised, as a messy office space can impact how productive you are. Remember to keep your plants and yourself hydrated, and welcome as much light into the space as possible. Implementing these changes can help you create a productive environment. You might even look for additional ways to help you make the same even more productive.

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