Off The MRKT

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Novel Ways To Spice Up Your Life with Novelty Products

We’re all pretty weird. As a society, we’ve gotten a lot more comfortable being open about that. Some people make their living on the internet based on embracing their weirdness.

People also feel more comfortable letting their freak flag fly by buying products that cater specifically to that.

Thankfully, the internet caters to every level of weird and dives into the depths of societal nostalgia.

Here are a few ideas that might be of interest.

So horny

Getting hammered drinking from a mug or a glass is so boring. Don’t be that hipster sipping an IPA that tastes like trash from a completely lifeless, uninspiring drinking instrument.

No, have yourself the phallic drinking instrument that shows your mighty spirit by trying Viking drinking cups for beer. Hipsters will be amazed at your ironic sense of humor, never knowing that in your veins pumps the blood of raider kings and they should be glad that you’re settling for the beer in your drinking horn rather than conquering all the land the sun touches.

Super balls are super rad

Most people are nostalgic about something. Many of us look back to our childhoods and how much we appreciated strange, gnarly little toys and knicknacks we found entertainment with as children.

Most of us long for the ability to find as much joy in our expensive electronics as we did in playing with the toys pulled out of plastic eggs from dirt-cheap, coin-operated vending machines.

It’s hard to fathom how many hours of childhood were lost tossing a super ball around to see where it would go -- or chasing that super ball after it went rogue and tried to disappear from your life forever.

Now, thanks to the internet, you can buy super balls in bulk for almost nothing. And that goes for just about everything you remember as being “cool at the time.”

Did you ever have a slap bracelet? Well, would you like 30 of them? Cool, because it’s that easy to get super slap happy these days.

Another favorite were the balsa-wood planes that were sold in small, flat packs. These gliders were far superior to even the best paper airplanes and usually had cool, retro-looking WWII fighter plane art on the packaging. You can buy boxes of them for next to nothing now.

There’s probably something you remember loving as a child or wishing you had it in your life. It may be something you care about deeply and promptly forgot for years until reading this. Google it -- You may be surprised by what you find, or not- it is the internet after all! 

You’re likely to find a version of it on sale -- or even the original product itself -- for a shockingly affordable price. You can’t put a price on a memory, but if you did, let’s be real, you’d want it to be a bargain. Thankfully, unless it has suddenly become cool again -- like slap bracelets are bound to be any second now -- it won’t cost an arm and a leg to revisit. Which is a good thing, because if it cost an arm, how would you slap on the slap bracelets?

Novelty products are a novel way to bring a little more socially acceptable weirdness into your life.

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