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New York Solar Programs

With the world’s supply of fossil fuels dwindling and the fossil fuel plants spewing pollution into the air that contributes to climate change and global warming, it is no surprise that most people are looking into clean, renewable energy alternatives. There are many promising ideas and one of them is solar energy. After all, the Sun is an unlimited resource and if we can harvest its energy, then that is a benefit to the planet and the people who live there—which is everyone.

That is one of the reasons why many cities and states across America offer incentives for businesses and homes to use solar energy. It is easier than ever to install solar panels on homes or businesses as there are several companies that offer that service. New York has several companies that can install solar panels onto all kinds of buildings, so check out some New York solar companies if you are interested in doing your small part to save the planet.

The Benefits of Solar Energy

There are quite a few benefits and very few disadvantages to using solar power. The benefits of solar energy are the following:

Reduce Pollution - Solar energy does not emit any greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, meaning that it is a cleaner form of energy than fossil fuels. Pollutants are not only bad for the air quality, they are also bad for the climate in general since they can cause long-lasting detrimental effects that contribute to global warming.

Lowers Dependence on Fossil Fuels - Weaning the country off of fossil fuels is better for everyone in the long run. Not only does doing so lower pollution, it also helps to preserve the world’s water supply since coal and gas plants use tremendous amounts of water. Furthermore, abandoning fossil fuels lowers our dependence on foreign countries that may not have our best interests in mind.

Reduces Energy Bills - Solar energy has a huge benefit to anyone who uses it because it can drastically lower—or even completely eliminate—the energy bills of a home or business. This is more apparent in the summer months than the winter months of course, but in general solar energy reduces a home’s energy bills because it pulls a reduced amount of energy—or even no energy at all—from the grid. In some cases, it even puts energy back into the power grid!

These are all clearly great benefits, but to be fair there are some disadvantages to solar energy since no power source is perfect. It can be very expensive to install solar panels and they tend to take up a lot of space. And while they are getting more efficient, solar panels do not convert all of the solar energy they absorb into energy for the home. There is also of course, the fact that solar panels are weather-dependent since they are most effective in sunny conditions. Nonetheless, the advantages of solar energy far outweigh the demerits.

Solar Programs in New York

New York has a solar program called New York Sun that offers incentives for going solar. The program works with contractors who have been certified by the NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development Authority). The New York Sun program is actually an umbrella program that covers other New York solar incentive programs. Those programs include the Megawatt Block Incentive which provides a dollars per watt rebate for commercial and residential solar systems. There is also net metering, which reimburses solar energy users for any excess energy that they send into the state’s power grid. And of course there are state and tax credits that offset the cost of the solar system. 

Solar Power is a Smart Investment

Solar power is great for the environment but it is also great for anyone who uses it as well. The lower energy bills and multiple incentive programs can make it hard to resist. And of course there is the positive effect it has on the environment as well. Ultimately New York solar is a smart choice for anyone who wants to save money in the long-term, help the environment, and help the country attain true energy independence. All that from the installation of a few solar panels. So contact a certified solar panel contractor to find out if solar is right for you.

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