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New Year's Resolutions: Vaping Tips for a Healthier 2022

New Year's Resolutions: Vaping Tips for a Healthier 2022 

It's for you if: 

-You're ready to make a change. 

-You want to feel a difference. 

-You crave something new. 

It's not for you if: 

-You're happy with your current routine. 

-You're looking for a quick fix. 

-You smoke because it's something to do. 

All your life, you've been told smoking is bad. But the truth is, big tobacco has been lying to you since day one. And they'll continue to lie until they're out of a job, which is exactly why you need to learn the truth about vaping before turning to e-cigarettes. Sure, vaping might not be 100% safe, but neither is smoking cigarettes. In fact, most people would agree that the only thing worse for you than smoking cigarettes is quitting cold turkey. 

What does this mean for you? It means that if you have any plans on quitting, you need to make sure you have something ready to help ease the process. 

Here are some tips to help you quit smoking for good: 

Make a Change 

It would help if you changed your lifestyle, which is one of the hardest parts of all. No more smoking around other people, get rid of all your ashtrays and smoke-related paraphernalia, don't hang out with friends who smoke. If you aren't ready to quit outright, cut back as much as possible. Don't think you can sneak in one now and again; you will eventually slip back into old habits if you do. 

Stay organized 

The most important thing you can do when quitting smoking is staying organized. If you are anything like me, you need a good to-do list. Create an easy, fast and effective list that will help keep you on track. A good way to do this is by writing down all the things that need to be done each day.  

  • Include everything from work, personal tasks, shopping and just about anything else you can think of.  

  • Next, ask yourself how long it will take for each task. This could take some time as you are making your schedule. Don't worry - take your time and create the perfect schedule for yourself.  

  • Now write down your priority item (the most important task) at the top of the sheet.  

Buy a vaping starter kit 

To successfully quit smoking and transition over to vaping, it's recommended to purchase a starter kit that comes with all of the essentials instead of stocking up on everything separately. It's best to get everything you need in one purchase so that you don't have to spend extra time or money purchasing extra batteries, chargers or juice later on. 

When shopping for a vape starter kit, make sure that you opt for one that comes with a vape pen. Vape pens are usually the easiest to use; they provide the best vapor production and are quite a bit smaller than pod systems. If you want a premium experience, you will want to check out DrDabber. They have a variety of devices that are compatible with multiple tanks and devices. 

Don't be like me and blow a whole bunch of cash on tech...only to realize that you left out the most basic of stuff. 

Understanding the Basics of E-Juice 

Now that you've bought an e-cig, you'll need some e-juice. E-juice is essentially a flavored oil that acts as the fuel for your vaping device. There are several different types of juices you can choose from based on your preferences. 

Make sure that you're purchasing juice from a reputable source. If you're buying from a vape shop, then you could be sure that your juice is safe and of good quality. However, if you're buying online, it's best to read the reviews before buying the product. 

Coffee and dessert flavors are often recommended flavors for beginners because they are sweet and tend not to have a strong flavor. This lowers the risk of getting an unbearable taste in your mouth, which may lead you to stop vaping altogether. 

If you're trying to quit smoking, it's best to get a flavor that suits your needs. If you're trying to quit smoking menthol cigarettes, it would be best to get juice mixed in with a menthol flavor. This will help curb your cravings while still enjoying the experience of smoking. 

Bonus point: It's important to select the right e-juice for your needs. There are hundreds of different brands and flavors available, but some may not suit your needs or preferences. If you want to make sure that your plan for quitting smoking works out well, then it's best to choose juices that suit your needs and preferences. 

Understand how to maintain your coils. 

Like anything you would use for a car, the coils require maintenance to be in optimal condition for vaping. If the coil is broken, you will have to replace it. That is why it is important to always keep an extra one with you in case of an emergency. 

This is also the time when you should check whether it needs replacing. If your tank has a removable section to replace the flavor cartridge, then change it right away because it can also affect your overall taste and vapor production. 

While you're at it, maintain your tank by wiping down the casing to remove liquids and other residues which may have accumulated on the outside of the atomizer. This resource here has an in-depth guide on maintaining your coils and dab rigs. 


If you're serious about quitting a smoking addiction, you're going to have to put in more effort than a typical smoker. That's because nicotine is a powerful drug, and once it has a firm hold of your brain, you will have to work hard to make it leave. If you don't plan and get something ready to help ease the process, you might go right back to smoking. 

The trick is to have something available to help you ease the transition while your brain breaks the nicotine addiction. You've chosen to vape as your new method of smoking cessation; you might as well be well-equipped with everything you need. That way, you can focus on your goals instead of scrambling around looking for pieces and supplies. 

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