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New City Calling: 4 Clear Signs It's Time to Move

If you’re thinking of moving to a new city, you’re now among a minority of people in the USA. In the 2018 to 2019 period, fewer than 10% of Americans moved to a new house.

Moving home can be costly and disruptive to your life, so it's important to be able to recognize when it's the right time to move to a 

Are you wondering how you’ll know whether a move is on the horizon? Read on to learn the signs that will tip you off.

1. You’re a College Graduate

You’ve studied hard for four years or more and got that degree firmly in hand.

That positive graduation after-glow is one of the key signs it's time to move. You’re young, you likely don’t have a family yet, and you aren’t locked into a career yet.

Around 70% of college graduates intend to move to a new city once they’ve earned that degree. If you’re among those seeking new experiences, there are a few things to look into before you make the move.

How much does it cost to rent or buy a home? What are the living costs like? And how many job openings are there in your field of study?

2. New Job? It’s Time to Move

With rising unemployment in 2020, knowing when to move to a new city follows that notice of redundancy or an email letting you know you’ve been let go from your job.

If you’re in this situation, do your research into which cities in the USA or abroad have active job creation. Alternatively, look into working online. You might be able to become location independent (#vanlife) or even simply stay where you are.

Some people may be seeking a novel neighborhood because they’ve accepted an exciting job offer. If this is you, see if your new company can assist with things like relocation costs and house hunting.

3. You Miss Your Family and Friends

Perhaps you moved away from your hometown to attend college. Maybe you followed a partner to a new town. Did more favorable work opportunities persuade you to move overseas?

A move to a new city can be an isolating experience so it’s no surprise that some people might get homesick. Severe loneliness is similar to the culture shock felt by those living abroad.

Serious signs include:

  • Being overly concerned about your health

  • Tearfulness and depression

  • Feeling shy and introverted

  • Obsessive cleaning

  • Not being able to sleep or sleeping too much

  • Addiction to alcohol or other substances

Don’t let your mental or physical health suffer due to homesickness. Book that plane ticket, pack your suitcases, and tell the real estate agent, “I want to sell my house as is.”

4. You Crave a Warmer (or Cooler) Climate

You’re a keen gardener seeking a spot where you can grow all year round. You’re a passionate snowboarder who wants to hit the powder for as long as the season allows.

Whatever your reason, if you’re escaping your home city due to the weather, the best time to move to a fresh city is when the climate is at its hottest or coldest. When you get to your new home, you’ll appreciate your favored Fahrenheit even more.

Happiness Is Found in You, Not a Location

Science suggests that people are just as happy in a warm climate as they are in a cold climate. Rather than external factors, your ability to embrace the positivity in situations is what makes you happiest.

The best time to move to a new city is whenever you feel ready to make that move: psychologically, financially, and pragmatically.

Are you looking for more advice on making major life choices? Read the other articles on our blog today.

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